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how many miles do you ride

2010 FXDC. Last season got just under 8K. So fat this season I have 7K and still ticking! 2 Months left.
Apparently the short hoppers are staying away from this thread. Makes ya wonder where all the 10 year old low mileage bikes are coming from.

Yeah the low mileage guys are not posting! Plenty of them out there for sale at the dealers! Saw a 2009 Road King at my local dealership with 1400 miles on it! What is the point in buying a $20K bike and putting 500 miles a season on it......I had mine in for the 1K service 5 days after I picked it up.
What is the point in buying a $20K bike and putting 500 miles a season on it.

To be fair, I'm guilty of a little of that, myself. I didn't put near the miles on my big bike that I should have. First, was the cost of fuel.

Last weekend I just wanted to putt the day away. I did the gym in the morning, and then took Betty out for the early afternoon. I wanted to swing home to feed the mutts, but stopped for gas along the way. I figured maybe 8 bucks.

Even though I just cruised, but a few faster runs on the slab, I was shocked to see the pump and found I burned up $11.43 doing absolutely nothing.

Granted, I had a blast and you pay for your thrills, but if I did that daily in your average month it would cost 250 to 280 bucks. Considering that a lot of that riding for me is running errands, going to the gym, and swinging by the dealership for coffee it just makes sense to take the Sportster.
Between 4 and 5k.
Not enough, I'm allways looking for a reason to hop on the scoot but not allways practical. I haven't taken any trips lately tho and that is what I miss the most.:(
My scoot had 7,600 miles on it when I bought it in 2003. Has about 35,000 on it now. Had a Key West trip and a Sturgis trip to account for some of those miles. I've gotten into the habit of hitting the trip odomenter on 1/1 to record the year's milage. Last year I clocked just over 1700, this year so far I'm around 1200 so pretty much on track for another 1700 mile year.

But as some posts say....not nearly as much as I would have liked.
My wife and I both rides our bikes... 7,500-10,000 per year. Had my 2007 4 years and have a little over 40,000 on it now! Not enought