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Who the hell is monitering this site

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Wow. Did I miss out on a nice debate? Rules vs. Anarchy, Censorship vs. Freedom of Speech. Isn’t America great?!? :D
Well, I must add my 2 cents.
I too was a deviant that used the swill of the profanity to express my feelings.:31: I was quickly consulted by Glider and told of my deviation from the rules. As some others have stated I did not feel my word was offensive, but it was a word that was indeed on the banned list. I violated the standing rules due to my failure to read said rules. I have no one to blame for my error but myself.
Now, if I want to use these devilish words, well I have every right too…but not on this site. Like every civilized society, we here at HD Talking live by the Laws of this community; if you break those laws, well you know the saying – “Do the crime, do the time”.:s

I appreciate the Moderators efforts to keep the Forum a pleasant place to visit. I vow to be more careful with my words and do my part to contribute to the good of the forum. So help me Harley Davidson.:newsmile071:
well some of you may have noticed i was on vacation (it wasn't good either raining the whole time wife wined about everything,,,,,yada yada) well i was and still am embarrassed that i got sent on vaction......main reason..........i have over 450 posts on this site...I KNOW BETTER don't know what i was thinking when i typed that phrase in i don't have anyone to blame but me myself and I its not gliders fault its not hobbits fault its all on me! now some that get sent on vaction think it best to act like a child and attack the moderators once they come back ,i on the other hand am man enough to admitt it was on me not them
We are bikers & we have conversations in the garage or on a poker run or in a tavern & there are words that are spoken by all of us that would be EDITED on this site . WE are all adults & if the words are used in a innocent context then I see no problems . I would think that if the FCC OK,s these words to be used on prime time TV when children are watching then they should be allowed on this site . The moderators are doing a great job but lets not get carried away with moderating it take up alot of their time flagging post that have language that is approved by the FCC on prime time TV IMO . I try to keep my post clean but I understand that there are some words that express a meaning better than other words .

Fortunately at my house AND this site the bar is set a little higher than where the FCC and a lot of America has gone to. In other words, just to make it clear, what the FCC deems ok for my kids to see and hear is not ok in my book or on this site. Keep up the good work Glider and eveyone else too..
Re: Who the hell is monitoring this site

ya got the movie and the guy Richard but ya forgot Dude
I do all I can to shield my 4 boys from language. However, when I go in a bar, I can't expect anyone to change their behavior on my account. When I go in a forum, I don't want to walk on egg shells. I can see cracking down on language, but it's a little extreme when you can't say the short term for your "back side" or refer to a sport bike as a "_____ rocket".
I think it's extreme and unrealistic. If this is some kind of religious thing, maybe that should be made clear. I consider myself a Christian, and I don't have a problem with most religions. I just don't get it.
Anyway, I'll probably get a "vacation" for even suggesting guys (I don't think there are many women & children in this forum) act like themselves. If that's clean language, fine. If not, still fine. I don't care. I just wanted to give my 2 cents before I head down the road. It's been nice chatting with you all.
Glider, you can delete my account now.:hii
Cowchip & Fuzzman, when you typed out your posts you consciously followed the rules, knowing what to say, and even composed around the "words"...that is ALL we ask here at HDTimeline, you saw how much time it took you to compose around the word...imagine how much time it takes us moderators to go through each and every post to find, undo (edit) and respond to each one, then follow through all the threads that it may have fanned out to and excise them as well. Finally we go through the PM, Flagging user and determine level of the infraction. This part is No Joy...I would rather be helping the next fellow with a valid question or critical need. If I stop and allow the language, the whole website degrades...seen it time and again elsewhere.

When I log in, I typically have 200-400 unread threads, and on a good day get through maybe 150 before my tired eyes give out...each infraction costs me at least 5-10 minutes I could devote to other things. What would you do to try and maintain some level of order. As you said, many TV, Radio and media sites have essentially given up and look how bad the trash is verses actual journalism. Hey, we do this voluntarily, because we have a mutual friend, the V-Twin sitting in my garage reminds me why I love this job...helping others enjoy it as much if not more so. Is that too much to ask for a little help, it goes a long way!
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