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posers/bikers fine line

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Welcome Arkie
In the group I ride with I am one of the only Harleys. Like Darknight said It's not what you ride It's only that you ride. The passion for riding is the thread that binds.
be safe
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welcome Arkie would that be a Honda US or Star Motorcycle you ride now? will always be a place in my garage for a Vstar1100.

Actually a Kawasaki manufactured in Lincoln Nebraska.

So, -- I intend to do some more reading and I may even have some questions soon. :eam
You are a biker, a modern-day Knight of the road. Protect the weak, walk tall and stand proud. Your word is your bond. Stick to your guns. Don't take any crap. Life is not a drill. Now go forth and ride. When in doubt, ride. That's what we do...ride. If you want to ride around in a Day-Glo Hawaiian shirt and sandals, go for it, but if you intend to look like a goof, at least don't act like a goof. There is a lot more to being a biker than buying a bike. If you just buy a bike, you are a motorcyclist. Being a biker is a way of life, a proud way...
A biker is the one bombing down mountain trails, with a camelbak and two wheels and pedals (Me).

A motorcyclist is one who rides and enjoys and takes pride in a motorized two wheel (in tandem, unlike the SEGWAY) vehicle. (also Me)

Seems pretty simple to me.
Personally I think if it's more about you and whether you look cool then your a poser. If it's about the wind in your face and the love of machine your on whether it be Harley or a metric then your a rider. "Biker" at least to me becomes more complicated. Maybe it's the fact that I have been riding a hog since the 60's when Harley riders were on the whole segragated into two groups cops and bad guys. Or maybe I'm old and crotchety. :D A "Biker" to me is someone who embraces the whole lifestyle which is a list to long and boring to get into here. Suffice it to say if you spent 25,000 to 150,000 on your ride and only drive it from the trailer to main street of what ever bike ralley your at and back the term "Biker" is not something that describes you. And in the end a few of these posts have it right "who really cares". In this day and age all things seem to have been blurred together anyway and so with the terms of the bygone days of the biker lingo. So if you spent the cash and enjoy your ride call yourself anything you like and if folks want to give you garbage about it tell them to (self edited saving a mod the trouble) off.
Am I a biker or a poser if someone pulls up beside you at an intersection and asks if they can take your picture? Is it the bike that is the poser? Or am I the poser if I allow them to take the picture? I just want to ride, but love the attention.
I'm from the generation just after WWII that changed just about everything in our society that was "accepted". The guys that came home from WWII and had trouble adjusting to the mundane real world at home, and didn't have much money, started the biking action. They were rough, tough, and mostly independant. Then came the movie "wild one" which captured America's perception of "bikers". Fast forward to the Viet Nam war (I just missed being drafted in 1970), and Peter Fonda freewheeling life on the screen on a chopper....and the definition of biker was solidified. Guys coming out of Viet Nam and being turned away by their peers in the States, many times joined low cost low responsibility of down and dirty biking.

That was then, this is now. With Honda joining the bike world and Harley almost going out of business, the term "biker" changed forever. Whatever we are now, we at least maintain the heartfelt feeling of freedom and joy. That's what its all about now...and noone should be embarrassed by the change.

We will continue to change as a group as society changes....thing is we should alway RIDE SAFE, RIDE FREE, and RESPECT OTHERS along the way.

Cheers to all and ride safe!
had not realised that Kawk were build in the US assume that will be a Vulcan or a VN which one you got ? love the indian styled drifters, like there Nomad series tourers and as for the bad boy the 2000cc hot rod heaven:D
here one that comes on our club rides

sorry so long to get back to you ...

I have an '05 vn750 Vulcan bought new 2 1/2 yrs ago that I now have a little over 24K miles on. I've really looked hard at a new Softtail Heritage that my wife & I can ride together comfortably. But it looks like that will have to wait for now. The Vulcan is a perfect bike for myself and I'll just have to keep it. The money I was going to use to buy the H-D went for a Jeep Liberty and 1st year dorm housing, both for my college daughter. It's amazing how far 20 grand will go if you don't spend it all on one motorcycle!

Anyhow, I know this is a Harley forum and I respect that. So I won't brag too much on my Kaw or the other non H-D bikes that could suit my needs for half the price . . . But I appreciate that this thread is all about being tolerant of ALL riders - and I ride just about all the time. Just not 2-up much, yet. Cheers.
The guys that make me laugh are the ones that can't go anywhere on thier bike without thier biker uniform on, alot of times those types are the loudest ones around cussing and needing to draw attention.A real biker loves to ride and is skillful at it, knows how to work on his bike and is respectful to others deserving of respect but not afraid when he needs to straighten out a (edited).
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