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i guess its time to quit smoking

thanks man and every little bit helps lol
looks like a great site ;-) lots of info on triggers and learning to not smoke
hippy 13, had been 2 packs a day for 35 years. 9 yrs. ago had a kidney stone that I couldn't pass, after 6 days on IV demoral and after they blew up the stone I did not have the desire to smoke, been cig free since, but still want one every day. good luck

I'm rooting for you. I was 2 1/2 packs a day of menthol. I used a program called cigarest. That was 19 years ago. It basically said the same thing everyone else has said unless YOU WANT to quit nothing else will work. I found the hardest part was getting past the habit smokes like when I was driving or after eating or whatever. Truly once you get past it, it does start to get easier however, even after 19 years every now and then the urge pops up but then it's gone and life is good. I'll be praying for God's strength for you.
It has been 15 Years for me, I quit cold Turkey because I wanted to Quit. I could not like Smoking anymore and you could not get me to touch another one. I feel a lot better too! That is more Money for the Bikes now!
Hippie... others have said it... when your ready , you will. It's not easy but determination will prevail... set a date and do it...
I quit cold turkey - I was sick of it and had what I called a bad lung day - asthmatic mostly. I smoked three cigs that day - all while watching Lawrence of Arabia. The only way to quit is to not give in - it gets easier, but I don't think the urge will ever disappear completely. Good luck to you - I can honestly say that it is well worth the effort.
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With all due respect to the men and women that have served this great nation one way to get rid of the desire of smoking is to go take a trip to your local VA hospital. Take a walk around and count the folks that are on oxygen, or cannot talk. The smoke em if you got them policy is very apparent. I do not contend that I was forced to smoke while serving but now as I pay the ultimate price with my llife I can only pray that if I can help at least one person quit I will have saved them from the pain and sorrow that I have created for myself and my family. It is a evil that needs to be released out of you.
Seek out whatever help you need... but quit!
I smoked for 30 years and it took me 15 years to finally quit, that was 20 years ago so it can be done. I have been where your at and it stinks. Good luck because I know its a hard habit to quit. Go one day at a time and dont worry about tomorrow. Get through tomorrow when it gets here.
As other have said you have to be ready. I quit cold turkey and never went back to cigarettes. However, I do have nice cigar once in a while and no I don't inhale which is a bit strange, but I just don't. Didn't someone make that line famous?

Anyway, if you have the "want" now, then just quit and do it, or when it becomes a "need", it usually mean death is just around the corner. Just lost a brother in law in June from lung cancer....wasn't a pretty sight!