free website stats program you guy's are not going to belive this | Page 7 | Harley Davidson Forums

you guy's are not going to belive this

I have now been convinced. As they say this many users can't be wrong. gonna try it this weekend.:cheers
I like the way Pledge makes my bike look, it gives it that "glistening wet" glow. I also like the way the bug guts don't stick to my fairing/lowers and they're much easier to remove if I Pledged it first. The only downfall, as others have pointed out, is that it acts like a dust magnet. I live on a gravel road and when I use Pledge, I have to wash more often. IMO, Meguiars Carnuba wax gives a great finish and it repels dust better but it takes a LOT longer to apply.
I told a bunch of guys that i used pledge to clean my bike and they laughed at me. (Started to call me Glade-n; after the air freshener). Then I actually used it in front of them. You should have seen the mouths drop open in disbelief. Ahhh, satisfaction is a wonderful thing.
O K im convinced now used to use Honda spray detail Pledge is way more user friendly and cheaper too
Something doesn't sound quite right with this story, why would WG authorize free paint for someone who didn't follow HD's recomendations for caring for the scoot???

Well, I threw it out there to see what the guys thought of this piece of urban myth - now I'll just throw it out. I'm sure the country pub landlord was in good faith - he's a really good guy.

Whatever - still using Pledge, still love it and so does the bike :D.
Interesting...Using Pledge to detail you bike? You guys that have been using it have me convince me that I have been missing the boat all this time. I will give it a try tonight after work. The dryer sheets sound like a winner too. It's beginning to get cold up here in the New England area so I'm not going to have to many bugs hitting my fairing much longer.
I did some searches on the web obout Pledge and of the hundreds of blogs I did not see one bad comment. I have been using the orange sented (my pref. for smell) for a month now and here is my review. Side by side using a Miller-S safe cleaner that is wet like a glass cleaner and the Pledge which is kind of thick. Believe it or not the Pledge actually removed the bug guts better than soap and water. Plus it travels better. Cleaning the chrome was a toss up but clarning the windshield with the Pledge winns hands down. Don't like the pledge on the painted sufaces, I always seam to miss a streak.

Another great product for cleaning is the WypAll L40 towels. Soft, low rag.