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Windshield Question

I have retired and trust me when I say you're gonna love it. Those who say they wouldn't want to retire haven't tried it. Ride on.
Have the Memphis Shades windshield on my Sporty.
Really appreciated it when I hear a rock hit the windshield.
Wouldn't ride without a windshield.
I am both new to the forum and a new HD owner.
First HD ever 2011 Fatboy Lo, second bike - upgrade from Honda Shadow 750.
So far just two rides to / from work.

I have the HD quick release windshield installed.
If you do remove the winchshield how do you store it?
Can anyone recommend a bag or storage option?
HD makes windshield storage bags for about $75. being a tightwad, I wrap mine in an old matress pad. Not pretty, but effective.
So DCasteel883, wondering which one you went with. I just ordered a Rifle Classic windshield for my Dyna. Looks similar to Memphis Shades or the H.D. shields. But the reseller I bought it thru was about 50 bucks cheaper and I was able to get a slim 20" width by 20" above headlite, something I could not get from the others. Won't have it for a little over a week though so don't know for sure all about it yet.
National Cycle Switchblade Chopped Tinted Windshield for Harley Davidson XL883R Sportster - for me the very best quality windshield. I've had these before and they are easy to clean and don't scratch. I prefer the Chopped (ie: lower but still just as wide) version as I can see over, you still get some air but it still provides great protection. It is removable but I only remove it to clean it as that is easier. I didn't look at HD screens but I understand they are more expensive.
Welcome Normanfoster to the HDTimeline forum and your first post. Yes you are correct in that the H-D drawback is it is expensive...approx. $395 the trick here is to get it here or online like E-Bay...used...or H-D online discounter. :coffee