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Feb 28th, 2011, 08:54 PM #1 geezer
Ride: 09 heritage classic

Join Date: Jul 23rd, 2009
Location: Manitoba Canada
Posts: 881

I see Bubbie hit 1800 posts and is a community guru now. CONGRATULATIONS Bubbie!! Do we have to call you Sir Bubbie now? You have given out a great deal of excellent information and advice over all those posts and I want to say THANK-YOU for all the help you've given me and the forum so freely over the years. [edited]
Last edited by Speed; Mar 7th, 2011 at 01:02 PM. Reason: has the potential to trigger a scene

What kind of nonsense is this, I thought I was the only one that got post edited here?

Guys....I'm out of here!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is nonsense when we have to cater to an idiot on another forum.


Hey SPEED,,,,,, What goes on here???

I didn't find anything Wrong with the Thread start Post that Geezer posted and I LIKED the results that the many Members Showed ME.. I tried hard to remember the ORIGINAL post that was given by Geezer but I"M SURE "I" took NOTHING OFFENSIVE about it and enjoyed the direction it went here at HDT.... Must be a mistake is all i think.. NOTHING OFFENDED ME. Just the EDIT of His post.

It mentioned something that Speed didn't want mentioned. His forum, his rules. Not really a big deal unless you make it one, IMHO.
It mentioned something that Speed didn't want mentioned. His forum, his rules. Not really a big deal unless you make it one, IMHO.

Thanks. I guess we all forget we are guest here. Thanks again BUBBIE!!!
Thanks. I guess we all forget we are guest here. Thanks again BUBBIE!!!

Hmmm I definitely missed out on all this. I thought it was a great thread, but when the Sir Cumference thing started expanding I changed mine back to SIR BUBBIE since I started to feel it might be taken the wrong way. Certainly would not want to do that with BUBBIE (or anyone). So I'm totally lost on this one.

By the way Don I am not going to be able to make it back to Daytona this Sat, I've got a PGR mission that day. I will be thinking about you guys though. Ride Safe.
It mentioned something that Speed didn't want mentioned. His forum, his rules. Not really a big deal unless you make it one, IMHO.
I realize it's Mr. Speed's forum and we have to play by his rules but I thought I was. I don't think I used improper language and I don't think I flamed anyone. I jokingly mentioned another forum and I didn't name it or anyone on it. There were several posts replying to the courtship of Bubbie and those were all in good fun if I read them correctly. I have spoken and PMed Bubbie and also took it all in good fun. With the edit of the last 2 lines of my initial post some of the following posts seem confusing. I'm confused what was the potential to trigger a scene. If playing by Mr. Speed's rules removes all the fun of the forum then what? It's my thinking, and I've been wrong many times, that Mr.Speed's edit possibly did more to trigger a scene than my post. I'm really not trying to make it a big deal. JMHO
I want to THANK Ever-One that took Part and Posted under this Thread started by a Good Friend of mine, geezer...

I never Liked being called a"" Community Guru Wannabe"".
Couldn't wait until I Got enough post to Drop that "Wannabe".... Liking the New Title "Community Guru" Just Fine.
Made the Mistake of Telling this to a few of my Friends, AND it turned into this Thread.

This Thread came as a shock :shock and I was hoping it would end Early... BUT NO it didn't the........................ Sir BUBBIE ? thread took off.

I Was and Still feel Honored for All the attention that came my way.(.)
This Site Needs More FUN... Getting along always, like in a STUFFED SHIRT just doesn't Make a FAMILY... I do feel a Family here at New Members Included.
WE are Lucky.

I found that All comments that were made "FIT" PERFECT and were IN LINE with the subject Matter. I can't believe anybody should feel Bad AS IT was all in FUN and I took it with a Grain of Salt.

Jay Leno would have Copied some of the humor left behind here.... Can You believe that Down-Under Crowd? Expanding all the way Up to The good old USA

Sir Bubbie turned into Sir Cumference WOW,,,,, i CRIED :bigsmiley15: I was Laughing so Hard... Thanks T

Serious is Good when you want it to be. FUN is Needed from time to time and BORING is around TOO OFTEN enough as it is..

SO lets LIVE a little On the LITE Side Here and enjoy the Moments we Have together on This type of kidding is needed.

I'm GLAD it was aimed toward Me.(.) Never Ever Did I take Offense to the posting here.

This has been a REAL BREATH OF FRESH AIR....

More could be said but enough is enough for tonight... I need to go strap down into bed right now so I don't Roll out and Crush the cat.. AYE !

Many tanks :hii

signed....Sir Bubbie


and Most of all

Signed.... Sir Cumference


Thanks for taking the time to let us know that you understood, and that our postings did not offend you. I can't speak for everyone but I have always thought of you as a guru not a wannabe. From the beginning I knew that the thread was started out of humor and respect, life is a very short proposition and we can all use a little humor. I'm glad you now have the official title "GURU", don't know about SIR CUMFERENCE (haven't seen a recent picture), but I will always think of you as a friend. oh yea and as SIR BUBBIE (the pork chop hoarder)!!!
Two well thought out posts by BUBBIE and HDDON. I started the thread to thank Bubbie and to have some fun. It's too bad not everyone has a sense of humor and can recognize a tongue in cheek jab when they see one.
Well, the Good News IS, We SHOULD ALL be here to PLAY another Day..


Well, the Good News IS, We SHOULD ALL be here to PLAY another Day.. THANKS !

BUBBIE I've been reading your posts long enough to know that there is nothing -WANNABE- about you. YOU are the REAL thing.

I empathize with the Moderators in that I'm sure they try hard to do their job diligently and preserve the integrity of the Forum. But at the same time not to discount our part as members (guests) whatever our term is, without us there would be no forum family.
