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Sept 11

Thanks for that video Tank.

It brings back many memories from my past and I shall never forget either being retired.
I will never forget this day as it was a day that someone was looking after me and I narrowly escaped my perishment from great country and world.

God bless everyone who was impacted by the occurances of this horrible day.
I am not allowed to speak openly on this. It is hard each and everyday to wake and start the day knowing that we as a Nation would allow this to happen without retribution and then send our sons and daughters mothers and fathers brothers and sisters to go to their land and help them so that they may live a better life. Skywarrior is so right. Only a coward would follow this path. My prayers to all those that lost a love one and God Bless all that helped those that were caught in this horrible act. I will never forget all of the fallen hero's from this and wars past.
I'll never forget the day. I'll never forgive the scum who did this or their backers. And, I'll never be so naive to think you can appease terrorist with words.
Never forget --- Never forgive.

What was on this day 9 years ago was an act of cowards.

Never Forget, Always Forgive or we are doomed to be like those that hate us, and nailed him to a cross:s
It is hard to forgive, when we are spending Billions of $, for the same people to chant in the streets that they hate America.

I do agree, but , I aint on no soap box either, The Man , not Glider, bit still the man has told us to forgive its hard but we have to or it will consume our lives JMO