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Infotainment Nav difficulty

Harttoo and Tigg:

I just saw that you have Limited's. I assume you have the 6.5 system as opposed to my 4.3 system? I sort of remember hearing my salesperson say that a bluetooth module would be required for my phone to connect to the system. Can either confirm this?

I did some reading and Boom Box Owner's Manual page 7 under MP3 bluetooth has a -instead of standard as page 14 has.According to those specs,You don't have bluetooth capabilities on the 4.3 system.It does not make any reference to an add on module like it does for Sirius radio.
I guess the "mystery" is solved,Sorry!
I pay almost 85$ a month for my AT&T line. I can't imagine... how you can get by with paying only $45. Crazy..

The problem is, You have to transfer Your phone or buy Your phone from Them.But even If You buy a phone for $400.00 and pay $45.00 per month,You will be money ahead before the year is up!:D
The problem is, You have to transfer Your phone or buy Your phone from Them.But even If You buy a phone for $400.00 and pay $45.00 per month,You will be money ahead before the year is up!:D

I see where you can save money here. Honestly AT&T has been quite the drag with all their crazy fees they're hitting me with. I really need to look into alternatives...
yah I have the same issues only cant trust the GPS it will only get me to one out of six places ive tried so far. put in lots of complaints about that and the texting not working but just keep getting strung along by my local dealership and corporate harley Davidson. the only thing I can say is if you need a gps you better by one and hook it up or who knows where you will end up. On the positive side the dealership did tell me that they wished they would of put a Garmin on it. Oh the other great story is it works the way it was designed to you have to put in the zip code first. I laughed and asked what i do carry a book of zipcodes with me. The Rushmore Project made me decide to get a new a bike but know i wish I would of just stayed with my 2008 105th anniversary ultra classic.