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What did u give up?

I had to give up on my 2 metric bikes. A cruiser and sport bike. The best part was my wife encourage me to get the Harley for I had been wanting one 10 years earlier. Though trying to get a second Harley is going to be tough.
I gave up most of the kids inheritance. But what I have gained is priceless. The trips my wife and I have taken together, interesting people we have met and things we've seen can never be taken from us. The other things that I may have given up pales in comparison to the friendship and brotherhood of our friends that ride.

Not to say a metric bike would not have provided transportation, the whole experience, I feel, would not be the same.
I am not struggling yet, but have been cutting back for the past few years trying to clear off my credit debt that was foolishly accumulated during the first 10 years of marriage. It’s interesting to look at your Social Sec. statement tax history, from the time you were 16 till now. I noticed the past 5 years; still with the same company for 23 years, I have lost ground. No salary increases, and higher health care costs.

My point is that even though I am not any where near the poor house, I still drive a ’97 blazer with 160K mi, we sold our boat this spring, and I did buy an ’05 STC. Now I know that you bikers with tons of disposable income and several scoots will completely disagree with this next statement, but I believe when you give up something to get something, you will appreciate it that much more, and I like that feeling.

If it’s nice enough out to play golf, it’s nice enough to ride. Anyone want to buy some golf clubs?
Great post! Truthfully I never thought about it really till this. I knew I wanted the bike, had some money in the savings that I put has a down payment, figured I could afford the small payments that were left and then ended up paying it off in full after a bonus and tax return this year...With that said, it seemed easy, but now I have my '01 VW Jetta that has 156K miles on it and I want a new car, but the bike would have to go to allow me to buy one since I have the on-going payments on my wifes car (she cannot seem to settle) and cannot take on another car payment. So like many others I gave up a new or new-used car and just keeping my car running a bit longer.

Looking back, I have contemplated selling so that I could get that car, but no matter how I look at it I would just end up getting a new car to sacrifice later again, since I enjoy the bike way too much. So I just keep the Jetta rolling and keep enjoying the bike!
I gave up a new $45000 truck and bought a 6 year old one for $13500. I have never regretted it. Put more miles on the bike in summer than the truck all year.
I gave up nothing to ride. This does not mean I am stinkin' rich, but it means I have settled with older steel; I have never taken a loan for a bike or a car, always saved up & paid cash.
In fact, I love old steel and I could not let anyone else repair my scoot. If I were to come across a huge pile of money, I would still not start a sentence with: 'my mechanic ...', I would rather get the full range of diagnostics & special tools and fix it myself;)
To each of his own, but fixing my ol' scoot is part of the experience to me.
Although I'm 'only' 43, I feel like I'm part of a dying breed...
Not sure what I would do if I lost my job, but to those of you who did and still ride: You got my respect.
I have settled with older steel; In fact, I love old steel and I could not let anyone else repair my scoot.

Although I'm 'only' 43, I feel like I'm part of a dying breed...

"Older Steel",,I like that. I got into riding so late in the game, I missed the good old days. I wish I could turn the clock back to the AMF days and watch the MoCo get a second chance. Unfortunately you and all of us are a part of a dying breed. Because starting with 2011 a new era has begun as far as being your own weekend mechanic. The MoCo will be reeling in most of the service work (at least electrical) from this point forward.
I pack a lunch when I go to work that saved me about 250 a month. Took the extra money and paid off the credit card. Took the additional extra money and paid off the wifes car. Traded my beautiful 14 MPG Dodge truck for a 24 MPG Ford Edge (love the edge). Ordered my new Harley then went home and told the wife ( not the best way to do it) Anyway, I have the new Harley and still spending about 300 a month les than when I started.