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What did u give up?

Aside from driving a 4Runner with 215,000 miles on it, and trying to be frugal, it has never ceased to amaze me how much we can "nickel and dime" ourselves into oblivion. Stupid little things you wouldn't normally give a second thought to, like that coffee and bagel at the 7-11 each morning. You're looking at about $600+ a year. Now far be it for me to deny someone their morning "wake up", but it all adds up......sometimes more than we realize....Another thing I try to live by is the axiom:"when in doubt, do without". If I am not 100% sure I need something, be it a steak for the grill or a new gun, I don't rush in and buy.
For the most part, I gave up taking my vehicles to the dealers or local garages for basic maintenance. I haven't let anyone do an oil change on any of my vehicles since '85. Only major work that I don't have the confidence or specialized tools for, or tools that would be cost prohibitive, goes to the garage.
Gave up smoking before I really got started way back when I was single and food was a higher priority.
Never liked coffee and soft drinks go better with rye. Seldom drink so a 26 will last me all year and a 12 of beer will last me all summer (unless someone turns down the beer fridge and they freeze:newsmile100:).

I put off buying a new bike for 20 yrs while the kids were growing up. Started a motorcyle savings account at the credit union in '90 but it ended up getting spent on buying the house or insurance for the vehicles.

It's more like what I didn't start doing more than what I've given up.
I have bought all my bikes with hard cash which makes a big saving on interest payments they are all older bikes and they all had problems and were going for a low price for what they are
Having spent 25 years in the british army i have a small fixed pension which i put away every month for my bikes
as i work full time and use my wages to keep the house running wife works full time to keep herself and helps out the kids with some rent money
i live a simple life do all my own work on cars and motorcycles so my lifestyle allows me to have a few motorcycles i have no other hobbies this is the one thing i do apart from work and spend time with my dog

I'm one of the many working guys,I had to give up my 357mag Winchester,the slip,and all the reloading gear for it,to pay the tax,mot,and insurance so I could ride for the year.Giving up any of my guns in future is unthinkable,but I got best part of a year now to figger some other way.Wide open to any sensible suggestions .
What did I give up? A little financial security. I sold the house willed to me years ago by my parents. I took the down payment and paid of some pressing bills, then spent the rest on my bike. But the more significant issue here, is what did I GAIN? After just one season of riding this Harley, I have gained friends, thrills, memories, knowledge, experiences,and the fulfillment of a boyhood dream . . . to ride, not just a bike like the previous thrty-plus years, but a Harley!
I love seeing little fellas, stopping their play, to stand and stare as I motor by. The other day, I met a youngster on his bicycle, pedalling furiously along, intent on his mission. As soon as he heard me coming around the corner and getting on the exhaust a little, he skidded to a stop and with a face wide grin, he stood there giving me a thumbs up! (which I returned as well!) Looking in my mirror, I saw him remount and resume HIS ride. Now I wish I had stopped to show him the bike, maybe let him sit on it! (is that EVEN 'allowed' by a stranger in this screwed up world???) The next time I see a youngster like him, I'll chance that stop - maybe even take a picture too and send it to him, maybe tell him how to put playing cards on his bike with clothespins, to make some noise!:s

So you see, it's not so much what I gave up, but, more importantly, what I GAINED! :)
I gave up shooting 1000 plus rounds per month. ammo prices were going up faster than gas prices, so the beltfed sits and the harleys roll. also sold a rifle to pay for my shovel. good trade I think.
I'm one of the many working guys,I had to give up my 357mag Winchester,the slip,and all the reloading gear for it,to pay the tax,mot,and insurance so I could ride for the year.Giving up any of my guns in future is unthinkable,but I got best part of a year now to figger some other way.Wide open to any sensible suggestions .

Change your name to HDNut :newsmile100:
There's some really good replies in this thread. There is much in common with all these posts and the lives of the people that wrote them. Keep them coming! :small3d036:

Oh, my input: I really haven't given up anything for my Harley. I've been fortunate to have had good employment opportunities. I was in an industry that was layoff prone, so I kept myself ready for the notice, which luckily never came. I have always held myself to one hobby or passion at a time, and I don't like paying people to do anything that I think I can do (not ALWAYS cost effective). I have certainly met some great people because of my Harley.
Great post. I never looked at it like giving something up, but just owning @ doing what is most important to my wife, and what I have been doing since I was a kid.
I did give up buying a new SUV, @ maybe a new pickup. I guess the hardest thing I gave up was garage space, just kidding.
I have made alot of money in my life, but I don't plan to take any with me as long as we can still ride of HD's.
Great post
Between 2003 to 2008 i made good money above avege or my avege,
save it all paid the house off Sold My dodge 3500 Mag Cab Diesel, sold the camping trailer sold everything to be freee of payments,
Still working but wage is down 60%, Looking at a new CVO UC, but when the salesmen said $37,000 and $ 500 month my Free and Clear 09 LOOKs REAl Good:p