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The have & the have nots


Hope the advanced course helps. I have not dropped mine yet, but know I will at some point. Low speed and a panic grab of the brake is almost inevitable. One habit I developed from the advanced safety course was using only my rear brake at low speed. During some of the low speed skills, the instructors told us to rev the engine while dragging the rear brake. The revving helps keep the bike upright at low speed from the engine torque. Since you are working the clutch and reving, you can't really grab the front brake. Anyway, it became a habit for me in that I use both brakes till about 20 mph and then rely on the rear only from that point on through stops and control in low speed turns. To each his/her own, but it is something to think about.:D

That is a great way to stop... as long as you do not lose the skill of a hard front brake stop when you need to in an emergency. One of the guys I trained over in Japan was scared to death of doing an endo, so he used back brake as pretty much his only breaking source. Saw him lock the back and skid 20 yards to rear end a car on wet roads. Luckily no real damage and only a few bruises, but it all could have been avoided with a bit of front brake.

Sorry, this is the old MSF instructor coming out in me, but 70% of your braking power is in that front brake. Use it wisely.
Agreed, Blindrage. Nothing stops you like the front brake.

I think it was even made more clear to me, when practicing emergency stops/max braking, that last 3-5 feet you can really feel the bike wanting to tip left or right, under heavy front braking. You never really know which way it is going to go, even when you are prepared for it in a practice situation.
Some of you remember I re-joined the "haves" in January when I stopped and planted foot on unexpected ice (IN NORTH FLORIDA). Torn ham string, no further damage to bike or me, but definately a charter member dating back to 1972 when I dropped my first.
Glad you're ok, keep the shiney side up.
I'm just waiting to join the club. I'm sure it's coming. I've came close a
few times. I'm not a real high mileage rider .. I average maybe 8 to 10k
per year.

Now dirt bikes years ago .. that's another story. Every ache and pain
I have now at 61 is from those darn things back then.

my dirt driveway backing up.. cobblestone street doing u turn.. almost in restaurant parking lot, the lot was like an egg..
Or he canny read or his head canny hold on to the info very long but entry points 15,17,18 might be of interest to him


OOps, I just re read them, must be that old timers again:D