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The "danger" in cracking your pipes

I have V&H 2 into 1 Pro Pipe on my road king. It is very loud when I pass a cell phone weilding....uh....person..on the highway. But has a very low and mellow tone while sneaking through town. Loud pipes save lives....but people have a right to peace.
In our town, one of our local bars that has the reputation of being a biker bar (one of my favorites), was built next to a retirement complex.
For real?? What were they thinking? Not very smart in my mind.:small3d002:

Please understand that I'm not complaining when I ask about the cars with the fart cans? Are they being targeted as well? Cell Phone users? Just asking.

I must say that for the most part, we work with our local riders. I've spoke with the bar owners and they post signs and warn thier customers too. If I see some parking or loading up, I admire thier rides while I pass on the new rules. I always get a thanks for the heads up comment, so I believe most know the deal. One we stopped yesterday was "borrowing" his buddies HERITAGE. No motorcycle classification, no insurance, and was wanted on a couple warrants. Because he cracked'm, he got tickets for all that, PLUS a $500 impound fee with 168 tow. Think before you lend your bike out, right? And "say no to crackin. ". I do not enjoy having my guys do that, but who is really to blame?
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For real?? What were they thinking? Not very smart in my mind.:small3d002:

Please understand that I'm not complaining when I ask about the cars with the fart cans? Are they being targeted as well? Cell Phone users? Just asking.

Yes we do look at those too, the difference is I've rarely seen one of those cars with a poptart exhaust crack it's pipes. They are usually on 4 cylinder rice burners, and they technically "have" a muffler. baffles and all. And we don't ticket for the noise persay, we ticket for the modification. The cracking gives us probable cause to see if your tubes are empty. Don't rip on this, but we stick our night sticks in both holes to "feel" for the baffles. The ticket is for modification of the pipes.