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Started riding class this week

Good luck with your test. I bet you both will do fine. I also took the MSF and loved it. Learn alot of good things going thru it.
Good luck to you both and well done. You'll find this forum to be a great source of info and advice when you go about choosing your bike and then when you grow in experience. Riding a bike is a great feeling so enjoy it and be safe.:D:D:D
Congrats and good luck to the both of you. The rider safety courses are a great way to start motorcycling and this forum is one of the best that I have ever experienced. Lots of knowledge and experience, and most important, the willingness to share. Each time I set out for a ride, I try to improve on something; even something minor. As was stated in the forum, practice makes perfect. Enjoy!
Best of luck to both of you. Great start to great times together. I was fortunate to ride with my dad for many years. Best of friends. Lots of laughs and great times. He's gone now but the memories are vivid.