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Memorial Day Surprise

It's mainly a GREEN house of money for Al Gore and some others with the selling of pollution credits.

Probably the most green thing Americans can do is recycle and be cremated. I rode by one of the land fills the other day, that thing is getting astronomical in size. But at our home since we started recycling our garbage volume has been decreased by 66 percent. The best thing any City or County can do is implement curb side recycle pickup.

Come on, with out Al Gore, we wouldn't have the internet! :lolrolling

I was camping in WV one year in July and woke up to some snow....not a good deal when all you packed were shorts & tee shirts. :D That was in the Highland areas. :s
Come on, with out Al Gore, we wouldn't have the internet! :lolrolling

I was camping in WV one year in July and woke up to some snow....not a good deal when all you packed were shorts & tee shirts. :D That was in the Highland areas. :s

Ha, yea I never did get the whole story of whether somebody said Gore created it or HE said he created it. Sounds a bit presumptious at best. I surmise the UNIX college guys at Berkley would have to take the most original credit there.

Snow...... for a Florida boy I always wanted to see snow. Then one time I saw it at my daughter's house in NC. It is pretty to look at, but a mess to put up with. For me 28 degrees is cold. One time visiting her place it was 5 degrees outside and sitting inside her moble home I felt like my legs were frozen from the knees down.