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It just isn't fair

I love my new seat,but the forward controls are going to take some getting used to. Thanks for asking.
Heres how you do it

I had to show my wife this picture Smitty. I've have rode in 30 degree weather, but dry as a bone and my wife thought I was nuts. This says it all. I told her, "See, I'm not the only idiot". Love it. Thanks Smitty.
Well guys in sunny SouthAfrica it is 2:30 in the afternoon ,and the current temperature is 30 degrees celsius , thats 86 degrees fahrenheit. Unfortunately I am still working whilst most of the country are enjoying their summer holidays , but at least I am on the fatboy , and tomorrow I will ride my wifes roadking .

Come out here and enjoy a summer hoilday , Harley rental is very affordable and we have wonderful ride destinations.

regards from South Africa.
The more I read these threads the more I love GA. I have only driven the truck 3 - 4 times this winter because of the weather getting below 32. I rode one day when it was 28 and said I would never do that again if I could help it. This weeks is supposed to be in the 70's for the high and low 50's for the low. This is a great week to ride for me.:D
I had to show my wife this picture Smitty. I've have rode in 30 degree weather, but dry as a bone and my wife thought I was nuts. This says it all. I told her, "See, I'm not the only idiot". Love it. Thanks Smitty.

"I" word is a little strong "F" for Fanatic would be closer to the mark! :newsmile033:

Sidecar, chains, heated apparel, really, really thin weight synthetic oil (what does HD recommend for 30 below F?) and full windshield.

Of course the biggest pain in Vermont was...the massive amounts of salt dumped on the roads so the "sunbirds" from down south could drive without wrecking their cars.

Back in the day before everything was a felony count of enviromental catastrophic proportions, my uncle would get a bug sprayer and spray his vehicles inside (all the panels) and out with used motor oil diluted with diesel fuel. He did this every fall, and his pickup lasted 10 years with no rust. In Vt that's a flat miracle.

I've seen cars in Vt that were four years old and ready for the junk yard because of rust from the road salt. It'll get your bike too if you ride in it.

I love the South; live in WV now. Your car will actually last for years if you take care of it...

I used to ride in snow and all that when I was young. I take it easy now.

I laugh myself silly though, cause around here they get like 1/2 inch of snow and everyone panics and they close everything down, and you see cars on the side of the road. It's crazy...

In Vt it would be snowing an inch an hour and we'd just keep driving...

Vermonters have 137 words for snow, most of them obscene.

For what it's worth...

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Ok, this is just plain weird. We are now having a white-out. 30 to 40 mph winds and it is snowing like crazy.

10 minutes ago a neighbor 3 doors down went by on his John Deere lawn tractor pulling his wife and kid on a sled. 30 yards behind them was the kid who lives at the end of the block riding his mini-scooter. It was snowing and blowing so hard I could barely see them.

And my wife thinks I am nuts.....................:small3d023:
ours use a mix of molasses and urea it can be washed off and not affect chrome or paint but untreated alloy/metal will be toast

Hobbit, do they make all the bikers over there ride in the back of a lorry (truck to the yanks) and take a leak over the tailgate to combine with the molasses?
And, I guess it goes without saying "don't eat the yellow snow". :)Even though it may be sweet and go well with Southern style biscuits.:newsmile01:
could not take it any longer made the cast into a splint thanks dremel tool and went for ride on saturday it's suppose to rain for the next week or so

not sure what i am going to tell the doc

Mike :D