free website stats program Chopper? | Page 2 | Harley Davidson Forums



The PM (private message) on this site, is a way I have used to a few of the members when NOT wanting it out for a public read!

I asked Chopper last week ???, and he,,, thanked me for the concern and said HE WAS BUSY SETTING UP HIS SHOP AND WAS FINE......


Hey Boobster...

Your use of caps is considered YELLING . Please use caps only when you want to make a phrase or a word stand out.

That is Good to hear! I was worried he might have bought a Honda and went off into the Sunset.:p
A Honwhat? What you say your address was Hoople:) :) :)
Thanks everyone for caring, I've really missed the forum. I've just been brain dead setting up quick books for my new business, not quite the same as lightspeed, but I'm learning. I will have more time once things are rolling here:) Sorry I didn't get to wish everyone a Happy Easter, you were all in my thoughts. But things have been going good for me, I've just been burnning the fuse at both ends this last week. I'll be back on more once I get things rolling here, I do miss the forum & all my friends, and yes, Hoople that Honda joke worked, I couldn't pass that up:) off in the sunset:) :) :) :)

Take your time and get things set up right. We aren't going anywhere. Glad you're absence wasn't health related.
Yes, hats off to Chopper in taking his talents to good use. Based on the quality & detail in his responses/advice - I know he'll be extremely successful. Best of luck to him & his business venture! If I'm ever in the vicinity - will definitely beg him for a tune-up & dyno. Cheers!
Hey Chop, glad to see you back online some. :s If I were in Idaho, I know where my new shop would be. :D Best of luck!
A Honwhat? What you say your address was Hoople:) :) :)
Thanks everyone for caring, I've really missed the forum. I've just been brain dead setting up quick books for my new business, not quite the same as lightspeed, but I'm learning. I will have more time once things are rolling here:) Sorry I didn't get to wish everyone a Happy Easter, you were all in my thoughts. But things have been going good for me, I've just been burnning the fuse at both ends this last week. I'll be back on more once I get things rolling here, I do miss the forum & all my friends, and yes, Hoople that Honda joke worked, I couldn't pass that up:) off in the sunset:) :) :) :)

Ah...Quickbooks...welcome to the business software learning curve...hey, how many guys remember software languages before software packages like that were invented...Fortran, Cobal, C++ or consumer level "BASIC" and manual early spreadsheet software like "Super" CALC...(thinking of the deadpan teacher guy) saying...anyone anyone...:newsmile040: