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Casey Anthony Trial

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I have 3 things to say on this thread.

(1) I amazed that it lasted longer than 4 posts without being closed.

(2) I live in Florida and could never really tell what was going on except that is one of the strangest families I have ever heard of.

(3) If you have ever served on Jury Duty ( I have ) then I would think that you would be inclined to agree with HD_Don's expressions on this. It is not really about innocent or guilty in a court of law. Why ? Because many times there IS no way to be dead sure one way or the other.

What it is about is 'beyond reasonable doubt'. And unless the 12 jurors are proven 'beyond reasonable doubt' then they are admonished BY LAW, (and the Judge reminds them of this) to aquit the charged.
Justice will be served for poor Calee, only it will not be here on Earth. Thou shall not kill is commanded by the Lord our Father. Casey will one day be called upon to testify for her sin. I am not asking for the death penalty but it appears that our society has lost the ability to reason and allowed the courts to have people who use legal language to manipulate our system and with no regard to justice use that language to free someone from the punishment they deserve. She was the mother of that poor child and it was her responsibility to maintain the welfare of Calee 24/7. If nothing else she neglected to provide Calee a safe environment and that is child abuse to say the least. How can she be not guilty of caring for Calee's safety? Is she not the mother? Was it not her duty? I would have to ask in who's care did Calee Parish. That was not allowed to be asked of Casey. Some would argue that it was not proven beyond a doubt,well I would ask you what would it take to live your life knowing that you allowed the mother to go free.
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