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A warning to people about HD and warranty work

Well I'm certainly not looking for an argument but my local dealer has told me that anything installed at the dealership before delivery is included in the 2 year factory warranty
The way I see it , there was no way the dealer didn't Know there was a problem when they took it out for a test drive. When the customer pointed out the smoke , they pulled out thier excuse book where it said to tell the customer (That's Normal) it will stop smoking after it breaks in!!!! Then when he brings it back we'll go back to the excuse book to explain why thier not responsible for thier shoddy workmen ship!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yet another example of the outstanding dealers that are not standing behind their work.
These type of things really upset me when I see what the dealers get away with and the customer usually takes it on the chin so they don't loose any money on a poor repair job.
I'm not the type to let something like this pass and wouldn't stop with letters to various places and even the news media until I felt that all avenues were exhausted.
As i mentioned earlier, the state AG will usually get some results but I think the dealers know that most people will just walk away and take the loss. When the advertising (in this case bad) effects their bottom line enough , they will sit up and take notice and If it doesn't effect their bottom line, they will continue to do this shoddy type of business and think it's OK.

Posting on the internet like this may get the attention of some but in a week or two the post drops to the bottom like a rock and is forgotten and dealers continue to do the shoddy work as usual BECAUSE we let them get away with it.

I think I would have parked the bike in the street in front of the dealer with lemons stuck all over it before selling it to the dealer. If the local laws prohibit that, ride it back and forth in front to get the point across with the lemons pasted all over it. (custom paint) :D.

The old saying that the squeaky wheel gets the oil first applies here.:s
How true Glider, it's a shame pride and craftsmenship take a back seat to the mighty buck! I consider myslf to be an easy going guy, but one would be mistaken to confuse easy going with weakness.
One rider went into a HD shop, looked at the bikes, sat on some and looked like he was real interested. The head sales guy (I think) wanders over and talks to the guy. They get into details of add-ons, cost, financing, delivery, warranty (what will/will not). The whole buying thing. The customer tells the salesman he IS going to be buying a brand new bike very shortly. Sales is all hyped up because this is now a sure thing.
Then the customer says he is going down the road to (names the dealer) to finish the deal he has ALREADY made on a bike. And tells the salesman the reason he doesn't buy from him is because of the treatment received in their service department a couple of months earlier. That he would NEVER buy from that dealer ever again. Admitted he did what he did to the saleman to make a point. That their service dept was costing them sales and money. Then the customer walks out and goes on to buy the other bike from a different dealer.
That salesman had already counted that bike out the door.
Point here: it didn't matter that the MOCO may not be at fault or the service department wouldn't make things right. The combination of poor service at the dealer and the not caring/not our problem from headquarters cost this dealer a sale. Who knows how many were lost for this dealer in this manner.
I'm not this customer, but it wouldn't cause me any sleep loss if I was.
Perception by the customer of value received is invaluable to a dealer.
The customer needs to count on the dealer and the dealer needs to count on the MOCO.

In the dispute currently being discussed, the customer should have left the bike at dealer when 1st being picked up.
Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't recall the customer stating he "hammered" the bike.
I don't think the customer is always right. Having owned a Photo shop back in the past, some customers are downright dumb. But, they are YOUR customers, until you drive them off. Then they become someone elses.
EXACTLY. And by the way, I think the dealer has a right to his point of view, and the right to share his point of view, and we can agree or disagree. But don't come on here acting all "offended" without admitting that YOU ARE A DEALER. Cause Boy's and Girls, I'm willing to bet money on this one. And if it isn't clear to you guys yet, read the other posts again, and I think it will be.

Sorry Richard$, but ya got me confused here.
WHO are you saying is the dealer? I'm just confused is all.
I don't think you're talking about BlackShadow.
Or maybe I shouldn't ask.
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I was talking about furyus. But if I'm wrong, then I sincerely apologize. Just that criticizing our member and blaming HIM when he can't possibly know how he handles his bike sounds like a dealer to me.

That's what I thought also. You quoted BlackShadow and naturally, like a blonde (I know I'll catch it) got lost.
Can't say as I disagree.

Hope you had a real good Christmas.
Stay safe and keep hiding from Glider.

Concerned here about your status if you are a dealer or an employee of one?

Actually, I feel dealers and techs are a valuable resource.
I'll use Gary as a victim, I mean, instance of help. He has provided a lot of help to people on this forum.
If you are a responsible dealer, you'll find it in the returning customers that appreciate their treatment.
Just toeing the party line doesn't quite cut it around here.
My opinion.
And Glider, I did not type what I said. I behaved.
Just think Rich ,one more semester and Gary changes sides!:small3d031::small3d031::D
Gary is a GREAT, GREAT guy, but he is NOT a "dealer". He's a Brother, like us, who happens to have a lot of expertise and is in the business of repairing motorcycles.

Gary is not a dealer.
But, he is a tech to be. I believe about May he goes to work somewhere. I used him in a positive manner as a help. I trust his opinion.
In no way was I denigrating him.
I was not disagreeing with you about dealers. There are good and bad.
For you dealers out there: Guess who gets the most publicity. While your good deeds may be in fine print, your errors in judgment will show up like bright lights.

Richard$, I don't think we're disagreeing here. It is kind of like when Peg and I watch a movie or something together. She always watches a different program than me.