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“We have met the enemy and he is us!”

I agree with Smitty , I to am against people trying to protect me from myself but the public roads & highways is not the place to do dumb stuff , to many idiots out there driving around . If I wanted to do some wild & crazy stuff on a MC I would get a dirt bike & have @ it . I did notice that there is no statistics on the % of accidents that were caused by cagers doing stupid stuff on the public roads & highways , now that would be some interesting info:eam

Actually if you follow the link the report list all accidents for all types of vehicles and you can see what cars did as well as commercial vehicles.
I am going to get nailed for this one.
I is my right to do dumb stuff and fall off it I chose. What I do not have a right to do is put others at risk when I do it.
What others do not have a right to do is spend their time trying to protect me from ME.
because they do not like what I am doing.
Life is a risk I should for the most part be allowed to decide how much risk and how I manage it is right for ME.
All those studies and number are is someones way of trying to justify making ME do what they want . IMO

Some meddlers want to protect us from ourselves even if it kills us.

Don't do to others... (and don't be an idiot) seem the most sensible rules for most things.

Still, it shows that we can't be too careful out there.

Ride safely.
I think some of you are reading all this stuff and working yourself into a frenzy where you won't enjoy riding anymore. And yes Smitty I agree with you!

I would hate to see that happen... This was posted as just an interesting article i ran accross and shared. I found it interesting that slightly over 50% of the accidents were caused by bad decisions. Why you think that would deter people from riding i don't know but it may do what i intended which is to make us think a little. I cant speak for the world but in my experience everyone I know including me has done something inherantly stupid on a bike at one time or another and this was posted to make us think a little about those poor decisions. I have been riding 40+ years and as long as I can get a leg over i'm gonna keep doing it but hopefully my decisions are a little better informed.
I would hate to see that happen... This was posted as just an interesting article i ran accross and shared. I found it interesting that slightly over 50% of the accidents were caused by bad decisions. Why you think that would deter people from riding i don't know but it may do what i intended which is to make us think a little. I cant speak for the world but in my experience everyone I know including me has done something inherantly stupid on a bike at one time or another and this was posted to make us think a little about those poor decisions. I have been riding 40+ years and as long as I can get a leg over i'm gonna keep doing it but hopefully my decisions are a little better informed.

It's a great post. Nothing says we all have to agree. Good comments. :cheers
Taken from the Marine Corps Center for Lesson Learned, FY 08 Safety Corner Review.

Motorcycle ridership is rapidly increasing nationally and in the Marine Corps. Low cost/high performance sport bikes are the predominant choice of Marines under the age of 25 (75% in the 18-24 age group).
♦ 25 USMC motorcycle fatalities in FY08 (killing more Marines than enemy fire in Iraq in the past 12 months.)
♦ 3 fatalities on non-sport bikes were the fault of another vehicle/driver
♦ 22 fatalities on sport bikes
A. .22 (100%) were the apparent fault of the rider
B. 16 (68%) involved loss of control with no other vehicle involved
C. 8 (36%) involved stunting, showing off or a moving violation

Additionally, 33 sailors lost their lives as well.
FB & WYW thank you for the information on a very interesting subject. The lesson to be learned is as motorcyclists we accept the risks. Do not endanger others due to rider errors and protect our previlage to ride an inherently risky mode of transportation and not add to the negative statistics.

Ride Safe and Aware...and above all PRACTICE-PRACTICE-PRACTICE. There was another thread showing good ride techniques by trained police officers riding full bagger HD and their spouses. Two things picked up were keep your eyes up and turn your head and eyes to view around a turn as well as fight the natural instinct to look down close to the ground when braking or turning, and spend "--at least 3 or 4 hours of practice prior to the riding season" in an empty parking lot doing lock to lock right and left hand turns steadly turning tighter, until you reach the natural limit of your ride and you. That is judgement, no critique except the inner voice in your head saying you are doing the right thing for self preservation and the feeling of accomplishment.