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Rags, mags


I would like to know if instead of throwing away your old bike magazines (American made bikes) you could send them to me and a couple of other Marines out here in Iraq. Fighting has calmed down some so a little down time to read about whats going on in the biker world back in the good ol US of A. would fill in that time. Thank you. Semper-Fi
GySgt Redimarker, J.A.
UNIT 78565
FPO AE 09502-8565
smitty 901,
Thank you for your support, will be looking forward to hearing from you. I will can you some heat and sand and send back to ya if youd like.
I would like to know if instead of throwing away your old bike magazines (American made bikes) you could send them to me and a couple of other Marines out here in Iraq. Fighting has calmed down some so a little down time to read about whats going on in the biker world back in the good ol US of A. would fill in that time. Thank you. Semper-Fi
GySgt Redimarker, J.A.
UNIT 78565
FPO AE 09502-8565

Is there a address or some place to send the mags???
I would like to know if instead of throwing away your old bike magazines (American made bikes) you could send them to me and a couple of other Marines out here in Iraq. Fighting has calmed down some so a little down time to read about whats going on in the biker world back in the good ol US of A. would fill in that time. Thank you. Semper-Fi
GySgt Redimarker, J.A.
UNIT 78565
FPO AE 09502-8565
Consider it done! :s
Thank you for your service!
I would like to know if instead of throwing away your old bike magazines (American made bikes) you could send them to me and a couple of other Marines out here in Iraq. Fighting has calmed down some so a little down time to read about whats going on in the biker world back in the good ol US of A. would fill in that time. Thank you. Semper-Fi
GySgt Redimarker, J.A.
UNIT 78565
FPO AE 09502-8565

I'm sittin here in Baghdad (DoD COMMS)with a desk full of them. Drop me a PM and let me know what camp your in and i'll put em on a Blackhawk out of "washington" or drop them off myself next time I'm through.

P.S. You may want to check out the link for veteran riders..
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I would like to know if instead of throwing away your old bike magazines (American made bikes) you could send them to me and a couple of other Marines out here in Iraq. Fighting has calmed down some so a little down time to read about whats going on in the biker world back in the good ol US of A. would fill in that time. Thank you. Semper-Fi
GySgt Redimarker, J.A.
UNIT 78565
FPO AE 09502-8565

Dude! first of all thank you sir for your service ..from a old Jar country 65-66 with D 1/9<<Marine talk ya it done..guess you know your get enough mags now to burn down Baghdad! Again to you and all the men and women who are serving...Hats off to ya !:worthy
I'm sittin here in Baghdad (DoD COMMS)with a desk full of them. Drop me a PM and let me know what camp your in and i'll put em on a Blackhawk out of "washington" or drop them off myself next time I'm through.

I am over at TQ and work at midfield. I tried that site but the MC has it blocked as a dating site? I will try going to the internet tent to see if I can get on there. Thank you very much. Gy Redi
Walking dead, that is awsome. I was always stationed on the east coast. I know it is an honor to have searved in that Bn. I wish I could have searved with them to be part of the legend Bn. I was with 3/4 then moved to 8th Marines. Thank you for your service, if it wasn't for people like you I might not have had the chance to serve our great country. Semper-Fi
Walking dead, that is awsome. I was always stationed on the east coast. I know it is an honor to have searved in that Bn. I wish I could have searved with them to be part of the legend Bn. I was with 3/4 then moved to 8th Marines. Thank you for your service, if it wasn't for people like you I might not have had the chance to serve our great country. Semper-Fi

Seems you know your Marine Corp history...whats kinda funny about the "Walking Dead " mantra...seem we found out about "Di Bo Chet" from Hanoi Hanna..was identified by location not by our unit...we played a very small part of the legend...they just couldn"t kill us One thing that was cool..we never had to go to far to find seems they always found the spring of 1966 Ho Chi Minh in a speech he thought we were all dead we just were not buried yet! thus we Got the name"Di Bo Chet" meaning of course "The Walkin Dead" we were first know as the Zippo Bn..I won't go into that ..holy cow ..I forgot where I I will be proud when the day comes as a PGR rider to welcome all of ya home.