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New Harley


So the dealership close to me has new 2022 Lowrider S 117 for $ 21.923 out the door with Harley fright and Harley Sur charge. A dealership 4 hrs away has a 2021 Sport Glide 107 ( used) for $22.312 out the door. Now I prefer the Sport Glide with the forward controls and bags. Could I put Fat Bob forward controls on the Lowrider S ?
I'm not up on the newest models, but HD has made forward control conversions for nearly all models that come with mids for a long time. Pricey, but available. Get the dealer to make a deal n on price & installation before you close the deal.
Good advice given from Pete, get it in writing before you sign.
How much is the HD surcharge and how do they justify it.
$800 fright $ 650 assembly $ $750 Sur charge. But if I can check out a Sport Glide or a Road King special I might change my mind
I got a 2019 Road Ki g special 15000 plus miles 17.499, had a S&S 475 cam and oil pump installed. Around 3000 rpm it wants to leave you on the road and take off by itself