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My Harley Likes Winter Best

Rocket J.

I'm not meaning the "real" Winters you folks in the Mid-West and up North have to deal with. I'm sure I'd be singing a different tune if I lived there. I'm talking about winter months that are mostly in the 30s, 40s, and 50s. It's forecast to be sunny and in the low 60s here tomorrow. I rode all day today in the high to mid 40s.
I had electronic ignition installed on a bike in the Summer by a local independent shop and it took them forever because they gave priority to folks who told them they were taking their bikes on this or that rally or Poker Run. That shop is begging for work, now.

So, why I like it in the Winter? Well, my bike runs better (cooler) than it does in the high temps of Summer; The Harley shop ever seems crowded in the Winter; and I don't have to put up with the swarms of teeny boppers on their Ninjas trying to impress their buds by "blowing the saddle bags off that ol' Harley". I don't much like crowds. I like the Winter. I'll be kinda sorry to see it go.
Why can't that engine throw off as much heat in the colder weather as it does in the summer?!

I like the cooler weather too -- up until they put the salt down.
I hear you, SportyHog. Those "fried thighs" seem much more welcome in January than July. I've got to admit that I found myself scrunched down under the windshield and legs tucked in behind the wind deflectors and it was even in the 40s today. Didn't think about it today, but you know it's kinda cold when you welcome a stop light so you can use that big hot V-Twin as a hand warmer.
Yep I agree, the 07 loves to hit the highway at 50-60 degree's. Just seems to act like a stallion that wants to just run as fast as he can.
I've got to agree on this one...although we don't see much of the 30's in South FL upper 40's to 60 are great rides.
Quite simply a more concentrated fuel mixture, and crisp cool air for the rider just makes cool sunny mornings the best time for riding winter or summer. The Sporty really likes cool weather, as does the rider...just remember I am in Southern California, so my idea of cool means above 45 degrees F, and hot is a balmy 90 degrees F. Guess that makes me a "tenderfoot" out west...oh yeah! :rofl
they try once they try twice they give after the 3rd go :D:small3d023::bigsmiley18:

Way to stick it to em Hobbit - I blow by the "Street Ninja's" every chance I get & show them what a real bike sounds like.:s

NE isn't the best for winter riding - I wish we could get into the 40's b/c I want to try out the new TFI - got some fine tuning to do...