free website stats program Hibernation | Harley Davidson Forums


Good for you, don't forget to warm up your riding skills as well, they have been in hibernation also. Take a 1/2 hour or so in an empty parking lot practicing your low speed turning, rear braking while clutching in the friction zone. Keep your eyes and head up looking around the will be able to turn lock to lock towards the end of the session. The good news is, there is always another weekend to spend another 1/2 hour doing the same. You will be very thankful for the time and patience you spend later on.:s
It's 56 degrees here in Iowa today and my hog just came out of hibernation. I'm ready for summer!!!
Yep..The weather is improving here on the Niagara Frontier too.
I spent the day moving stuff accumulated over the winter so I
could at least get one bike out. All we need now is a good downpour
to wash the salt away. Everybody stay alert now, as drivers have forgot
we even exist.
My Bike is ready to come out too. I just need it to dry up some so I can get it out of my basement.