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Harley parts price increase!!!???

The shipping kills us and if UPS'ed they charge a brokerage fee. I emailed a guy on eBay asking him why he figured he had to squeeze us so hard for shipping. He said that it was a lot more work, had to fill out 4 forms, drop the package off personally at the post office etc etc. and then he said that he was a transplanted Canadian living in the States. I don't know how some can ship at a resonable price and others cann't. I ship my parts to my buddy in Mi. or wait until we go to Florida for the winter. If I bid on something on eBay and want it shipped to Canada I always first check the shipping price. Some dealers even say they are going to stop shipping to Canada because of the hassles. Things can also get tied up in customs and if that happens we usually end up paying taxes on the item.

ok gotcha now...and that (EDIT)....its not like you guys up there are across the pond...and i guess if we crossed in your country with a truck load of parts we would be in big ever i did cross into Canada at the Soo...and they just ask if i was carrying fire arms ..I said no...they said we hope you enjoy your stay was hey maybe a business

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Last edited by a moderator: think you guys pay too much????.......:newsmile100: ......mind you, we pay less than the UK. I think?
Twrecks that doesn't make sense does it. You are further away and the shipping and handling must be more so you would think that the parts should be more. I think that we are really being hosed.
I was in the shop this week and heard the parts guy telling someone that the front brake lever switch had a new part number and had doubled in price.

I had to laugh as I'll bet that the switch got broken because the guy didn't put a piece of cardboard in the lever as the manual tells you to do so you don't brake it during maintanance.
I'm a cdn living in think prices are high at home...try living here...what ever the price is in Cdn dollars it's the same price in euro' euro = approx...$1.60 Cdn.....Harley makes a killing on the europeans.....
I'm a cdn living in think prices are high at home...try living here...what ever the price is in Cdn dollars it's the same price in euro' euro = approx...$1.60 Cdn.....Harley makes a killing on the europeans.....

Is it Harley are is it...Import export taxes to Harley from outside the US....Folks price a American Made car oversea...and guess what????..Its not the US makes a bad product..its coz there in "NO Fair Trade " me if we taxed the imports ..what they tax our products across the pond ...they would never sell another foreign car to the middle and lower class coz we would not be able to afford it....A chev Malibu in Japan would be a normal car here but at a luxury price overseas.....I do wish our Canadian, Australian, German, Great Britain and all others could buy at our price...a "Far Trade Price"
Can't you order online like to Chicago Hd..or Surdyke online...are am i missing something.

Everything I buy is from the U.S and yes it would be cheaper even after exchange and duty to send it by Limo. Check for the closest cross border dealer and order through them.