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Brakes, anti lock or not?

Walleye, what you observed is just what I talk about when I say, that generally our equipment exceeds our abilities unless we are very very good and practice often, especially so early in the riding season and one of the reasons why I got the Roadster w/ dual disc brakes, I want to be able to howl those front brakes when I want to stop quick with a two finger squeeze...even without ABS option available for the Sporty, I feel okay with my setup...

I glad to hear you were able to stop & even more glad your friend made it through.

I believe I am now convinced! I will get the ABS.

That was a perfect side by side comparison. I assume you are bothe equal in abilities.

Two reasons I traded in my RK for an 09 Ultra Classic were ABS and as equally important - Brembo brakes. They are awesome. My anecdotal experience is that even though my UC weighs more it will stop in about 75% of the distance my old RK would without using the ABS. Very happy with setup. Yeah some skilled riders may be able to stop more quickly but I'm just an average joe and I don't mind electronic wizardry keeping me from doing an asphault waltz during a panic situation! Just my 2 cents...
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Two reasons I traded in my RK for an 09 Ultra Classic were ABS and as equally important - Brembo brakes. They are awesome. My anecdotal experience is that even though my UC weighs more it will stop in about 75% of the distance my old RK would without using the ABS. Very happy with setup. Yeah some skilled riders may be able to stop more quickly but I'm just an average joe and I don't mind electronic wizardry keeping me from doing an asphault waltz during a panic situation! Just my 2 cents...

Thats AWESOME!!!! I couldn't have said it any better my self.:7:
Here is a personal experience from YESTERDAY. Two of us were riding down the highway yesterday doing abround 65 MPH. There was an intersection upcoming that had traffic lights. I was just far enough behind my riding bro when the light turned yellow, he at first gassed it and I did the same to go through the intersection and at the last second he decided to stop. He has an 05 Ultra with non ABS, I have a 09 with ABS. He could not stop and in fact very dangerously had to proceed through the intersection. I stop basically effortlessly. In fact the ABS stopped me so fast I was concerned about traffic behind me. I will not argue that a very experienced rider may stop quicker on dry surfaces than ABS. But I will argue that MOST riders are not that experienced and in a panic situation ABS will help far more than hinder. My opinion from the start and now more than ever. I will challenge any one from a 55 MPH speed to the fastest complete stop and I am sure that 90% of takers will lose. (Glider is excluded from this challange) Just my take. Ride safe.

First you must compare apples to apples.The Brembo brakes introduced in 08 are a big improvement over prior models wether ABS equipted or not.So comparing an 05s stopping ability is unfair.That said I think a new rider or rider who doesnt intend to keep his scoot long can benifit from having ABS.However if you intend to keep your ride for years to come I think its a pricey and perhaps dangerous option.
Good point on the comparioson of the 05 vs. 08 brakes. But what do you mean by "dangerous option"?
Knowing me as well as I do, I will probably keep it a long time (just because I become attached to things). I also am pretty good with a wrench, but I will probably have the bike serviced by the dealer from the start, I am getting it to have fun, not to work on it.

Just between me and you, I gotta ask. What does IMO mean (I feel so dumb)
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