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Big Sucker

They "claim" is right.
I am not a big fan of giving HD my aftermarket toy money,however a buddy of mine just bought the Arlen Ness big sucker and the first thing we noticed is that it does not have a smooth polished intake hole on the backing plate assembly like the SE unit does,they just leave the slag there from forging,other then that the two units are identical.Intake air will be deflected to a degree by any obstruction such as this,not that you would notice with these "tractors" but just the same for the little extra polish of the SE unit I will stick with it.
Actually Steve, I would stick with the SE unit myself being the AN has a problem with the ears cracking .:D

I also think their claims are exaggerated too.

If you had lets say 70HP and installed one of these, would I gain roughly 14 HP? I think not!
yep, and if you add one of them thur turbulator thingys, some of them magnets on the fuel line to straighten out the molecules, and maybe hook them all to that worthless HD temperature gauge.
Should be good for at least 100hp!!