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Bad Day

I have been working in Montrose for a few days so passed through Aberdeen a few times in the last week but im local tomorrow as workmate covering Aberdeen stuff
I was hoping to get an Aberdeen trip so that i can go tool shopping at the end of the working day as shops are open late on Thursday

Sorry to hear about the bad news Brian. :( I hope you have fun shopping at least. :s
years ago when i was on my way home from vietnam i had plans to fix up a bike that was in my parents garage . all i could think about was getting back on the road and checking out the country. my dad picked me up at the naval station in alemeda calif., we got home just to find that some body had busted into the garage, stole the bike, ripped off all my hand tools and power tools, a drill press and other items too many to mention. we call the law and all they could do was to make a report. i know what your going through, alot of those tools belonged to my dad and my grandfather. its taken me years to get my tools back to where they should be but its just not the same, hang in their, those theives will get there just do......
Brian to me the lowest of the low steal a mans tools. I am truly sorry for your loss. I hope you can recover all that you have lost.