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Adding lights to hard bags


I was planning on adding lights to the hard bags on my bike and was wondering if anyone suggested any brands. I like the Paul Yaffe lights but the price is a little rich at this point.
Not long ago Smitty901 posted some pictures of some LEDs he put on his bike that really looked good. Perhaps he'll see your post & refresh the shots. He picked up the lights at an Auto parts store at a very reasonable price, & his work looked very good.
I followed Smitty's lead and took a trip to the local parts house. They have all kinds of strips and pods that will work on your bike. It can be a little time consuming to install properly, but it's well worth it. You get to learn a little more about your bike and you save some $$$.
Here's a suggestion if you don't mind cutting your bags and losing a little volume. 39 Ford lights

If you want recessed lights These will work a little more money and will require a repaint.

If you have time do a search for led light kits, or tail light kits, or just tail lights. There are lots and lots of options to chose from. It just depends on the look you want and how much work you want to put into them.
I recently installed LED lights on my 07 Road King Classic covering the engine (both sides) and the bottom of the saddle bag brackets lighting up pipes and a small glow on the road. It looks fabulous and installed very easily using lights form T.D. Designs. Owners Michael and Corey Thompson are great people who totally back up their product, call them at 602.391.4392
Thanks for the advice. I already have a taillight bar attached to the fender but thought of adding some to my hard bags. The more I think about it will it look tacky with all the lights. I have looked at some from Chromed Hog and California Customs. Both of their lights are considerably cheaper than anywhere else so that concerns me a little Saddlebag LED Lights 39 Led Flamed FOR HARLEY TOURING : eBay Motors (item 230389367861 end time Mar-16-10 07:12:16 PDT)
That huge link is the pair of lights that I am considering:swoon
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