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You call this a vacation???

Sorry to hear of the mishap dont let it darken your vacation:s
Sorry to hear about the mishap, hope you get it out alright. Sounds like you have great neighbors. On the bright side...time to break out the skis!!!
Make the best of your snow days - if you have heat & hydro half the inconvenace is gone , now food is a little different, I`m still waiting to bring out the snow blower,
I couldn't imagine trying to get down from the house we rented in the summer in a blizzard, it was hard enough doing it on a bike in the 100 degree weather!!!

good luck
Man, that's bad luck. Those cabins are up some knarley roads. If you are in the Steak-Factory delivery area give them a call, the steaks are not as good as the Alamo or Texas Road house but at least you won't starve. Hope you get pulled out soon.