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Wrecked my Sportster

Sorry to hear that, it's happened to me once and scared the crap out of me, I was going around the bend and all of the sudden, the front wheel shaken badly and feel like the wheel is about to fall off and started to slides, I was fortunate gain control back then pulled over and inspect the front tire, everything look good and tight, nothing loose or about to fall off, get back on the bike but lost confident on turns until 6 miles later. To this day, I still got a chilled when I see "road snake".
Man that sucks about your bike. You can always get your bike fixed, the important thing is that you are still here and ok.
Glad you're o.k., that's what's most important. I hit a pothole a couple weekends ago at about 45mph, and couldn't believe the bike stayed true, I stayed on the bike, and there was no damage to the tire, rim, anything.

After that experience, as far as I'm concerned, the XL is built like a tank. It would be "nice" if all we had to worry about were bad drivers :small3d023: Poor road conditions just add to the task at hand.

ride safe and often
