free website stats program Wow! I finally found you guys! | Page 2 | Harley Davidson Forums

Wow! I finally found you guys!

Welcome Trixi; I hope you get a manual soon. In case you don't know, the torque procedure of the heads is very important. They are torqued to a nominal value (I can't recite it), then turned an additional 90 degrees to achieve the the proper pressure for the head and base gaskets. In addition, HD recommends using new cylinder studs. I know many that didn't with no problems, just telling you.
Hi Trixi,

I too am a new member to this site. I like it because everyone is very mature and has good input to even my stupid questions. Even though I am a long time mechanic, I am new to wrenching on a Harley and there are some good answers here to be found.

Welcome and good luck!

Re: Wow! I finally found you guys!

Thanks! In answer to the first... I can't be sure it's not in the magazine pile :) but I've looked and, unfortunately, I've come to know the true colors of someone I had let stay with me back when it disappeared and, well... it's what he does, so I've been told.

Good to know that somebody will probably put my post where it will best be served.

I've been looking thru the different areas here including the self help section. so far I've not found exactly what i'm looking for but I have found some great info that I'm sure will come in handy.

Thanks again for your reply. Nice to be here!

Sorry to hear that you "lost" a manual...don't know if this site will have the CD with PDF files you need loaded in. You will have to download Adobe Acrobat Reader "free" to view but the CD is about $8 and is a descent substitute if you can print the appropriate pages to use with greasy mitts (we've all been there before). :small3d007:
Its been a while since i was here and just got to read all of y'all's reply's because I had to give up the internet for a bit so...

just want to say... YOU GUYS ARE THE BOMB!
I've got FRIENDS!

oh yeah... I FOUND THE MANUAL! WAHOO!!! :yahoo:yahoo

Welcome Trixi & glad to hear the "holy XL1100 grail" was rediscovered. Hope you can get the scoot put back together & log some miles soon. Sorry to hear about your misfortunes w/employment - pretty much common across today's economy. My sis-n-law's boyfriend was unemployed for a year, but just landed a job so keep your chin up & network those skills. Post pics of your 1100 when it's ready & ride safe!