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Wounded Warrior Beltway Run June 25th 2011

They are definately not all like that. I rode in the Molly Bish Foundation ride last weekend and it was a LEO escorted ride. It went PERFECTLY. The route was about 30 to 40 miles through secondary roads and went through a few town centers and I did not touch my feet to the ground one time....all intercections were blocked by officers and the lead riders kept the speed at a nice cruise! About 500 bikes entered and no problems.

As far as the beltway I feel your pain! I have relitaves in that area and rode down to rolling thunder for Memorial Day this year.....the beltway is in terrible shape.
75 & 80 miles an hour on the beltway.......thats probably just keeping up with traffic, especially on the weekends! The road is in terrible shape, the other drivers are a real treat (quite a few are just holding a steering wheel with no idea where they are going), you know... last minute exits from 3 lanes over......yep just aking for trouble especially being in a large group such as the one you were riding with. Do yourself a favor & start looking to get 25 miles or so outside the beltway (especially to the West) for better riding experiences, you'll be much better off. Just ride your own pace, it's the only way to go.