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Woo Hoooo I passed.........

Congratulations !!! Your comment sounds just like my wife's. After riding behind me she decided that she would ride on her own. Took the test then the Rider's Edge 4 day course. After much crying since she was the only woman in the group she stuck with it and her endorsement. Now a year and six months later has almost 15,000 miles on her Softail Deluxe. I never leave on my bike alone, when she sees me getting ready to ride she is down the drive way right behind!!!

I wish I could get my wife to ride, but she never will, she won't even get on with me. But I did show her a Ultra Classic and how comfortable it would be for her and she said maybe she would ride on something on that level. I am really not a big fan on the touring models but if that is what it takes then maybe I would get one.
Congratulations!!! I will be taking the course next week. I just hope I don't drop the motorcycle

You'll do fine. We only had 1 person drop the bike. She forgot to put down the sidestand when she dismounted. It is alot of fun and well worth the experience that you gain.
I just passed toooo. The only difference is I just passed the class to become a certified rider coach. Now I can teach the class. I teach my first class this week.

Good stuff all who ride should take it.

Ride Safe.
Thanks everyone!! I agree that all riders should take a safety course. You sure learn alot. I also found out what bad habits that I already had with only learning to ride a couple of months ago.