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Winter: Should I start it?

Here in Maine I swear this state has a deal worked out with the car manufacturers.
First they put down sand, which is often more like gravel.
This is to chip all the paint from underbody parts. Then they lay down calcium chloride and God knows what other secret formula's to completely eat away all that exposed metal.!!

If you got to ride , a used snowmobile is way cheaper than a $20,000 Harley .
Scrinch, In Michigan we have two seasons, winter and construction. During the winter months after the salt and melting snow has worked it's way under the cement and tar, the streets begin to look like the moon. We have pot holes galory. We take two guys, one driving, the other with a shovel, shoveling hot tar into the holes as you drive by. Now, instead of patting or pounding it into the hole, they let the cages level it out. Now hot tar stuck to your tires makes for an interesting ride. You not only chip the paint, the paint is replaced by tar. I've gone thru dozens of tar removers thru the years. Another reason I guess to keep the Harley covered until spring.
Thanks Glider. I don't want to pull the plugs, like I said, hopefully come January it dries out and we get some 40 to 50 degree weather. I would just like to drop the hoist and ride. My wife will get a kick out of me telling her I need a Harley fan to keep the bike cool when I run it during the winter Ha. Again, your answer is fina Glider, thanks for your comment.

Don't get the HD fan until you have asked Smitty...Glider was referring to a plain ordinary household box fan! :s