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Will you ride with a Passenger?

I love to take my wife riding with me but as far as friends go, I am a little wary of having that much responsibility. I also refuse to be a passenger I need to be the one in control.
I used to take out my husband but now he has his own bike so he takes me out. That is until I can figure out what model I'm going to buy.
I will take others with me only if it is someone I know that can handle the twists and turns of the road without throwing their weight all over the place.
Yes...My wife enjoys riding (she's paying for the bike also) and my two sons enjoy riding. My sons could make the arguement they are paying for the bike as well, with their college funds :D
I'm very happy that my ride has a solo seat, that way if asked for a ride, I just say "where you going to ride". Don't like having a rider on the back, I always get a rider that's not good on the back, if you know what I mean. The wife has her own bike and she don't have to worry about me giving someone else a ride, like I would anyway.
