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When they find out you ride a motorcycle...

I always say that no matter what you are doing there is only 1 person that decides when your time is up. When he is ready for you to go you will no matter what you are doing.
I always say that no matter what you are doing there is only 1 person that decides when your time is up. When he is ready for you to go you will no matter what you are doing.


I've know people who have fallen out of planes, hit the ground and survive mostly intact (just a broken arm or a leg) and others who trip on the sidewalk and die on the way to the hospital. It amazes me how tough and yet fragile we are.
I can't decide which is more scary. Her thinking it's ok to imply how messed up a person's decision to do something is, or the " I would never allow my husband to do that"...

Thinking about it, I guess there really is no difference...both are scary.

I'd look her dead in the eye and say. "Your poor husband." smile and walk away.
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I used to get the same reaction years ago when I was SCUBA diving. Upon learning that I dove, people would tell me how dangerous it was, etc., etc.. I guess they were trying to be helpful . At that time, the stats showed about 200 SCUBA deaths, worldwide, each year for a family of about 1,000,000 acitve divers, many of whom dove several times a week. You do the math for the rate of death vs the number of dives. Like many motorcycle accidents, 80% of the deaths were novice divers.
I know I am not the only rider to have this happen.

I met a person yesterday, who -- through conversation -- asked me if I ride. I said yes. Immediately the discussion turned to horrible motorcycle accidents and deaths and how she wouldn't let her husband ride one because he has responsibilities as a husband and father, and he just can't die right now.

I got irritated by the whole thing as she smiled and smiled.

I mean, when you buy a car people don't go on and on about how many car accidents there have been lately. And how you are obviously going to die in a car wreck.

What is the line you use in a conversation like this???


Quite simply, riding a motorcycle is similar to piloting an aircraft, you have acceptance of risk and have to balance the commitment with responsibility your family and friends.

The lady who said she would never let her husband ride is actually being selfish and controlling to make decisions FOR a life partner without his consent. She is entitled to her opinion only, as this is a free country, and like religion and politics, strictly up to the individual and what is allowed by laws good or bad in this country, anything else she can come up with is just noise. :USA
I usually remind them that at some point we all die, but how much fun do you have before you get there? It's not how much money you leave behind when you die that counts, but how many friends do you leave behind?
Very well said,Rich...I couldn't agree with you more.Having lost 3 siblings along the way it's nice knowing that their memories never diminish also
I hear the same thing from everyone who doesn't ride as well.

One of my very best friends has been training for a cross-country bicycle tour with his brothers. He would love to have a Harley, but his family feels they are too dangerous.

Last Thursday morning, while riding his bicycle, he was struck by a car right in front of the local police and fire station. Fortunately, he only received bumps and bruises, but it was pretty scary for everyone.

After hearing he was OK, my twisted sense of humor just couldn't let him know that since the cager couldn't see him with his white helmet, reflective vest, and 2 headlights, that he obviously needs louder pipes on his bike. :D