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What was he thinking???

KSboy, you did the right thing.

I work the service counter at a Freightliner dealer. In the past ten years my complete thinking has done a 180 turn around. I used to trust drivers to the extent that I was sure they knew how to drive and were professionals. No more do I think that.
My opinion is that the majority are unskilled, can't understand the english language, get there licenses from some of the large fleets that do in house training and testing, are driving with little or no sleep, and are under pressure to run harder, run longer and make less money.
It used to be they were knights of the road, took care of themselves and could be relied upon to make good driving decisions. I am very unimpressed with the majority of commercial drivers I have come in contact with.
Therefore, I ride with the thought in mind that they own the road. Let them have it. Stay away from them and watch them for stupid moves like a hawk. Never follow a truck and just plain try to stay out of their way if at all possible.
Speedyron, I know, I know. I used to never even consider a helmet (except for a full that I wear when the temps are really low), but lately it has really been on my mind. As for holding on to brains, my wife would probably tell you that the beer hasn't left much to hold on to-ha!

It's not isolated. Irresponsibility (a large part of the problem IMO) is plaguing our country at all levels. I've been teaching for 17 years and I have seen first hand a dramatic decline in responsibility and I've taken action. I've upped the ante on responsibility (50% of their grade) and guess where the complaints (2) I have had came from. Parents. Their complaint was that it was not my job to teach their child responsibility. Hmmm, really? Okay, I'll step down from my soapbox.

Thanks for the advice to you both-good points.
Thats a big problem today. Used to be it was the comunity that raised a kid. Seems like more and more no parent wants anyone telling their kid what to do. Therefor the kid has no respect. But I'm getting way off topic

"my wife would probably tell you that the beer hasn't left much to hold on to-ha! "

Funny, the beer has given me alot to hold on to (around the mid section).
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My experience with truckers is that alot (not all) of them know they have the bigger, heavier vehicle and will almost push people out of the way. You either move or they run you over. Ive had truckers pull across in front of me when they know there isnt enough space. I have no choice but to stop and wait on them This is on a 4 lane highway and they block both lanes on my side while they are waiting on traffic to let up on the other side so they can pull out completely. Some of them are very inconsiderate.