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What should I buy?

If you don't buy big now, you will. Like most said you'll enjoy the sporty but you'll tire of it soon.

There are a lot of great deals out there right now on used bikes. You can get a used touring bike now, couple years old, low miles, lots of add-ons for a fraction of the cost you'll pay for a new one. Just need to look around.

Course a friend told me the same thing when I was looking, but no! my first Harley was going to be mine first, right out of the crate! :newsmile100:

Should have got a used one because I traded it in with-in 2 years on what I should have bought the first time!... the price scared me though! :coffee

Good Luck to ya... and Welcome!

I was in the same boat as UGOCON was. After a long hiatus from bikes, talked my wife into something "cheap and easy to ride". So I purchased a Sporty XL1200C. It is a very nice bike but I kept on buying add ons to make it more comfortable and practical. Plus, even with the detachable backrest, the wife wasn't very comfy and never felt safe (not because of my riding, haha). Then this year I saw the "Sportster for a Big Twin" promotion and couldn't pass it up. Got a great trade on a Street Glide with all the goodies. Much bigger but just as easy to ride IMHO. Try them all is what I say. This will probably be the most fun you've had buying anything!