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What RPM's do you run your bike?

I drive like a little old man..Mainly, because I am a little old man. My Ultra's tach rarely hits 3 grand. I tend to really like the 45-50 mph range..Just happy puttin' along. That said, it does sound like I'm lugging my bike too much. Perhaps ( I have a 5 speed) I should stay out of 5th gear more often . My rides are mostly country back roads..I think I'm running about 23 hundred in 5th.. not enough huh guys? I do baby the heck out of my stuff. Too much so I guess.
Smitty, when I visit my sister in NC, I go down I-85 south of Greensboro. The speed limit is 70, the road is three or four lanes in each direction and in good condition. I cruise at 80 in the slow lane to keep out of the cagers way. Sometimes there are a lot of tractor trailers in the slow lane, so I'll take the middle. On more than one occasion I have held the cruise control until it wouldn't go any faster (85 MPH) and I was still one of the slowest ones on the highway.
When I answered the question and used the Two bikers that had NO tach, I gave them a complement and that is ALL it was. I didn't make any implication that you weren't.(.)
Also notice Me saying that I look at tach when I had one on my bike... (a good thing.)

I find that the Seasoned rider Usually Knows a lot about his bike and MANY on HDT ARE seasoned riders, YOU probably included with the seasoned..?..and Many are Not.

I took Knowing/reading a lot of Posting the other Two members have done here on HDT to Complement them.(.) AS Seasoned riders/true biker Mold

Some Newbe's do things different than the Seasoned riders do and Have to learn about the Best Way to ride and maintain their bikes.. Usually by Asking questions here on the Forum. Then Making Up their own minds on what they believe and the way they want to do things..

Seasoned ?, and by Not including ALL bikers I don't know and I can't tell by reading their post..?.. I would have no opinion on. I feel If the shoe Fits.

I doubt a newbe biker would be offended by me singling out a few members and calling them seasoned,nor would care one way or another. So, no harm no foul.

There are a lot of different ways to ride and maintain a bike and ride style and a lot of different Opinions here on HDT and IF I rubbed you the Wrong way, IT was Not intended that way...

I have rode with many riders and prefer to do it alone or an occasional small group as Many Don't ride like I do... Most of the ones I don't like to ride with are Seasoned riders, and seasoned a little differently than I am.

So IF I spiced it the wrong way ?
not intended.


BUBBIE, Thanks for the explanation and no offence was taken. I hope you have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year along with everyone else on the Forum!
I think that it's more important to not lug the engine at slower speeds rather than to memorize RPM's. You can have a low RPM at very low speeds if you're poking along on the level at steady speed. However, if you have to throttle up to get going, then you should shift down before throttling up. My rule of thumb is to keep the engine sounding "happy," and that means not lugging it.
I quest I,m like Alto. I ride the back roads and enjoy the ride.
When I look down at the tack it is usally 2200 to 2400.
For those of us who do not have a tachometer to reference here is a thread I found in the Search tab to help you to not "lug" the engine for smooth and easy shifts...

Suggested shifting speeds - Harley Davidson Community

On Sportsters, it is particularly important to let the RPMS go up a bit to avoid the vibes due to lugging the engine...

25-30 MPH 2nd
35-40 MPH 3rd
45-50 MPH 4th
55-60 MPH 5th
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I drive like a little old man..Mainly, because I am a little old man. My Ultra's tach rarely hits 3 grand. I tend to really like the 45-50 mph range..Just happy puttin' along. That said, it does sound like I'm lugging my bike too much. Perhaps ( I have a 5 speed) I should stay out of 5th gear more often . My rides are mostly country back roads..I think I'm running about 23 hundred in 5th.. not enough huh guys? I do baby the heck out of my stuff. Too much so I guess.
It sounds like you drive the way I do Alto. I sort of baby mine also. Occasionally I am shifting around 3000 but most of the time it is around 2500-2800 rpms. After reading this thread I really considered running at a higher rpm like most of the guys here do whose collective opinions I do respect. Even the guys that I ride with keep their rpm's higher than mine. They assured me that it won't "hurt anything". They are a knowledgeable bunch of fellows and I began questioning my own rpm choice. After reading the replies from others on this forum I thought that come Spring when I take her out again I would also run it at a higher rpm but it always seems to me that she's working harder than when I roll her along at say 2200 rpm's. I should add that I never, ever try to lug the engine.
No tach, shift by sound of engine, to bad these are not synchro trannies :s
Thank you everyone for the responses on this post. It sounds like the majority of us run in this rpm range or close to it. I love the sound and the the quick response of my bike riding at these rpm's and to get good fuel economy is a bonus!! I hope everyone had a good Christmas and I wish you a Happy New Year