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Here’s my two cents…After doing some research and testing I have found that when buying wax make sure that it has the ingredient Carnauba. It’s a natural product safe to use and produces a glossy finish when buffed. But you can’t beat Pledge in between waxing…
Turtle wax Black box:
Need to add a plus to this product on a black bike.
I tried it today on my 14 year old FB.
I will be using it on the new bike also.

Proof black box works well. 14 years of wash and riding look closly at first picture. then look at second one and this was by hand not a buffer.

I just took my scoot in for some diagnostic work, and it rained on it the day before I got it back from them. The guy that was to bring it out to me must have taken a dry rag to it, to get the rain markings off, and he put all kinds of fine scratches in the tank. Needless to say, I was a bit "not happy", being that I only gently touch up dustiness with a microfiber cloth, and am very careful not to scratch the paint when washing, riding and working. In any case, I took a bit of Turtlewax polishing compound to the scratched areas of the tank (my idea), followed by the Black Box, on Smitty's recommendation. The fine-scratches are gone, and I can see myself in the finish. The deeper scratches do not turn white from wax in them, so overall, I would say that the Black Box is a worthy product, indeed.

Thanks, Smitty
Rich P
Before I washed my used (new to me) 2005 softail springer I read a bunch of posts and they all led to pledge. I tried it and it works great. I used the all purpose pledge.
I've had excellent results with Eagle 1 Nanowax. I scratched the rear fender on my red softail with a wind blown zipper and was absolutely sick as nothing would 'cover" it. I tried several quality waxes with no luck, but then tried the Nanowax, and scratch all but disappeared! Several friends with black bikes have been converted. I'm looking forward to putting some on my new Merlot Sunglo Roadglide Ultra that we're hoping to pick up today! I'm going to give the Pledge a shot also...should keep the dust off!
NEWS FLASH....My wife is going to pick me up my first can of .................You got it pledge ...Im also going to try some under armor if she can find it at walmart...Thair will be another important up date latter today so stay close for the test results..:bigsmiley21:..Thank you:D