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Vanity Tags

Let's just ...suppose. Finally ...the cops figure out....there is an escapee...riding around with license number NONE. This could take them weeks to figure then....guess who will be riding around with lisence number....NONE.........
This is starting to read like the Abbot and Costello skit "who's on first".

I am will go quickly form Abott & Costello the time the cops get around to lookin for my stolen tag..I will be riding around with the re-issued duplicate that I applied for today.
Today the DMV called. They tell me they did not send my tag...NONE, because they fear I will get a parking ticket on my record every time someone without tags is cited. OK..why did they send me the registration....Then wait 7 more weeks to tell me I cant' have that number..? OK They are right. I already got a parkin ticket in my name...that was actually a cage with no tags. Now they are sending my second choice....VOID. They say there would be no reason for that to be entered on a parkin ticket.
Will they seend me a new registration? or will I be riding around with a reg that says NONE...and a tag that says VOID? Any bets?
careful what you wish for.... google "no tag" parking tickets in Washington DC. The guy has over $50K in parking tickets. The DC Metro police parking enforcement detail write in "No Tag" in the plate nubmer space on the ticket when they find cars without plates displayed in DC. This idividual has a vanity plate "No Tag" and DMV sends him all those parking tickets. He is fighting it in court. So hope you local LEOs dont use NONE or VOID in their normal reporting format:newsmile071:
DMV tells me VOID should be ok. No reason to enter that as a license number. NO TAG, NONE, EXPIRED & REVOKED ,,,Not such good
OH...Its gettin worse. Trying to report stolen tags. This county says report to state...because the tags were never in this county. They were stolen..and used on the other side of the a parkin ticket less than 5 miles from the penitentary were they were printed.
The state says report it to the city were they were stolen and and used long enough to get a parking ticket.
The city of Sioux Falls says report it to the county were I live...back to square one.
I got a BAD FEELIN...:small3d002:


If I happen to see "NONE" running around over here on the east side of South Dakota, do you want me to let you know? If the guy doesn't look too mean, maybe I'll try and steal the plate and send it to you! :D
Thanks Rob..but turns out they never printed the tag. Just didn't bother to tell me. The ticket I got was intended for a car that had no tags on it. So, my new tag will be VOID....if it ever gets here. tags for my road king....but by the time they got here...they were VOID.:(