free website stats program US Tap and Drill Bit Sizes | Harley Davidson Forums

US Tap and Drill Bit Sizes


BOT Machine
US Tap and Drill Bit Size

Tap --Fractional Drill--Number Drill--Letter Drill

0-80 ------3/64 - - -------------------------------
1-64 --------------------- 53 ---------------------
2-56 --------------------- 50 ---------------------
3-48 --------------------- 47 ---------------------
4-40 ------3/32--------- 43 ----------------------
5-40 ----------------------38 ---------------------
6-32 ------7/64 ----------35 ----------------------
8-32 -----------------------29 --------------------
10-24----- 5/32-----------25 --------------------
10-32----- 5/32-----------21 --------------------
12-24 -----11/64--------- 16 --------------------
1/4-20---- 13/64--------- 7 --------------------
1/4-28 ----7/32 -----------3 --------------------
5/16-18 ---17/64 ----------------------- F -------
5/16-24 ---------------------------------- I --------
3/8-16 -----5/16----------------------------------
3/8-24 -----21/64 ---------------------- Q -------
7/16-14 --- 23/64 ---------------------- U --------
7/16-20 ----25/64 ---------------------------------
1/2-13 -----27/64 ---------------------------------
1/2-20 -----29/64 ---------------------------------
9/16-12-----31/64 ---------------------------------
9/16-18-----33/64 ---------------------------------
5/8-11------ 17/32 ---------------------------------
5/8-18------ 37/64----------------------------------
3/4-10 ------21/32 ---------------------------------
3/4-16 ------11/16 ---------------------------------
Dang, Mr. Data, great info. I've been goin through these posts and have found a BUNCH of useful info (too bad I didn't have the stuff when I needed it). I'm printing most of the stuff up and am putting it into a specific folder that I'll keep in the shop. I hope I have enough paper. Thanks a lot!