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Trying to get lost.

Been getting lost on purpose in SW PA for years and always found my way home. The hard part is "re-finding" those great roads I discovered.
I know what you mean...I gotten home before and quickly checked a map... to see if I could re-trace my steps.... so I could find that special road again sometime!
That's part of the fun, taking all of those roads again and rediscovering that great road you were on a couple of years ago :)
do that in the UK and eventually you fall off the rock LOL
i have been known to occasionally set myself a destination and end up somewhere complete different as i saw an interesting area or something else :D

Hobbit; Been waiting for the proper thread to ask this. On some UK tv shows I watch, they drive down VERY narrow roads, it looks like 2 Mini's would clip mirrors in passing, and the stone fence is only inches off the pavement. Between the narrow road, and the stone fences it looks like an adventure. It that very common in the UK, or is it just in more remote areas?
Some of the best rides have been this way. I always keep a good state map and my trusty Tom-Tom in the tour pak just in case.
Hobbit; Been waiting for the proper thread to ask this. On some UK tv shows I watch, they drive down VERY narrow roads, it looks like 2 Mini's would clip mirrors in passing, and the stone fence is only inches off the pavement. Between the narrow road, and the stone fences it looks like an adventure. It that very common in the UK, or is it just in more remote areas?

I spent a lot of time in rural Japan in the 80's & 90's, they have some very narrow roads. The houses are usually right beside the road, and the propane tanks (used for the kitchen) frequently are on the edge of the road. There are no shoulders. The other side of the road may well have a stone wall with nothing between it and the road, not even an inch. Some of them have the infamous binjo ditches along the edges, and may or may not have grating over them. Now, with this setup, imagine driving down this road and meeting one of their gigantic dump trucks. If the cars were taller, the truck mirrors would hit them.
You can never get lost on a Harley. You may not know exactly where you are at any given time, but you're never lost. (As long as you have gas anyways!):D
This thread is more to my liking than the "which is the best GPS?" thread.

I agree....and disagree. I love to wander around, find new roads, and get lost. BUT, the GPS comes in handy to:

1.) Recall the route that I was just on so I can find that neat road again, and
2.) Get me home quickly if it starts getting nasty...or if I get one of those irritating work phone calls when I'm trying to play during working hours!!
I "get lost" almost everytime I ride,,'s what I do best. I hit ZEN at some point and then I don't care where I am. Just set up the corner..........ride through and then wonder."How come that one felt sooooo good". The only exception is my ride to and from work........but if I didn't havta make that darn right turn into the parking lot, I'd be LOST AGAIN!