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True Odometer Reading

I've had my 09 ultra just a little over 3 weeks and changed all 3 fluids with 952 miles on her. I wish I had more time to ride.
I'd say some folk just don't ride that much for whatever the reason. Case in point. I have a friend who has had Harleys but not presently. Now he presently ownes four or five very nice metric cycles. All are licensed and insured. He had not ridden any of them in about four years. I find that baffling...and he is retired now!
shortly after I got my bike (sensor type) it stopped working right it was racking up 10 miles to every 1 actually ridden I clipped the wires and that was 60,000 miles ago still running right.
Have to agree with the majority. However, as an electronics tech with knowledge of such things....I believe I could easily zero the odo. I bought 2 bikes with very low mileage for their age and firmly believe both were accurate in mileage. One was serviced locally and the service records matched, the other had the original tires showed the signs of being a "garage queen".

The economy has also forced some to let go of their whim buys.


I have had my 04' FB since the end of May, it had 4K on it it now has close to 8K...and I work full time. My new interest in riding has had a wonderful effect on my mood and attitude. I ride 28 miles to work and leave early enough to vary the ride. The ride home is my "cycle down time" It is very good for the soul. But this is a subject for another post.
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Hard to believe that people buy these lovely toys and then do not use them. In the last 15 months, I have put 25K+ on my ultra, while also putting 13K+ on my dyna. Its more fun if you ride them. :)
In June I got my 07 with a little over 2k on the odo. 3 months later and shes got 4500. Guess the previous owner enjoyed putting money into upgrades more than riding it?
A majority of bikes without the additions of fuel injection and electronic controlled processor ignitions using mainly the mechanical speedometer cable could be run this way and I suppose a very small percentage have been. I know that many of these pre 80's vehicles would lose some "niceties" like self canceling turn signals perhaps, as many have said earlier, with no ill effects.

But more likely, the mileage is correct within a few 100 miles, as it is very common that the new bike becomes a garage "queen" because schedules and life styles can change rapidly when we get her home and have this "luxury" item safely bedded down. Part of the problem is the rider with the bike is a "married" couple so to speak, :52: and if not working on the relationship, the bond may recede. Maybe the ride is a little too big and heavy, or without much practice the rider is tentative and the bond never "gels". Also in todays economy that may change as more people come home and those long term trip plans are pulled back.

Motorcycling is a committment of time, health and finances to be sure and some just decide not to accept the risk and trouble to gear up whether it is to the store or that long distance weekday or weekend ride. Statistically, "free recreational time" is being tied up by the media and stresses of more day to day things that distract our activities.:31:
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gonna sound a bit cynical but im sure im right-- the average harley rider is concerned about show and not go. most are posers-- least here in north carolina-- and not at all uncommon for a new hd to accquire 100-500 miles a yr total. now i say this from a lifetime of daily riding and cant remember all the bikes ive owned. and to be legitimate bout everthang--- never owned a trailer..............................
Thanks Glider for pointing that out. I always wondered about somebody disconnecting the odometer cable.

Please tell me that you get more than 4 or 5 sunny Sundays a year!

we do but the rest are in the winter just seems to rain all summer had 6 days without rain in early june thats the best we have had all summer couldnt get out of my local area yesyerday as all the roads were flooded seems to be that global weather changes have given us more and more rain so full face helmets and waterproofs are the way to go at all times if it aint raining now it soon will be finally ive found waterproof summer boots that work
