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trans shifter shaft seal


Active Member
I am replacing my shifter shaft tranny seal today and need to know if I need to pull my inner primary? I would appreciate any tips on removing the old seal also?
Got a quick question about the front 1.5 nut I know it says it is lefty loosy but I got a 3/4 drive breaker bar on it and a 3 ft. pipe and can't get it to loosen up any ideas?
Grunt louder :D

They can be a bear sometimes.Are you using a locking bar between the teeth on the pulleys?
Ya I got it and yes I had a locking bar it took my 3/4 breaker bar and socket with a 6 ft pipe on it but I did get it. That is a bugger of a job but it is done and hopefully no more spots of red when I park it. It looked like it was my bikes time of the month after it set for an hour not only that but at 15 dollars a quart for redline shockproof I would look at the drips and figure there was 50 cents on the ground.:bigsmiley19:

Thanks for the help!!!!!
I hear ya there. It's great that the RL was red and you could tell where it was coming from real easy too.
Good you got it done.:D