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tour pack rack luggage?

I have the Saddleman's horseshoe back-seat bag. It doesnt sit on the luggage rack but man does it have a lot of space! Also cost about 1/2 the price of the HD or TBags luggage.
It fits behind my adjustable backrest and when filled, it acts as a huge backrest.

If you're riding two up then you don't have a choice and have to put the extra bag on the tourpack rack. If you're solo I recommend the above menetioned option as it both gives you a nice back rest and it also keeps the weight where it doesn't have as much of a negative impact on handleing.
whichever you pick be careful how much weight you put in it. The higher off the ground, the less weight to raise the center of gravity to the point it makes it squrrelly!

1+ with what Merlynn experience is with a sportbike, but when I mounted a tour pack on the luggage rack way out back, when loaded with about 20 lbs it introduced a de-accel wobble with handlebar shake that I really did not like. True, sportbikes are in a higher state of tune, with more weight on the front end, but putting weight high up and far back from COG was enough to tell me to never do that again. :small3d015:

Harley's may be different as the wheelbase is so much longer than the "stubby" metric sportbike geometry...just be careful guys.! :s