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Well in the old days I use to carry ball bearings and drop 'em. They would just bounce and make a racket under the under carriage of the car/truck. These days I'm a bit smarter.... I think! I usually will slow down and let 'em pass me. If that fails then I make a point to let 'em know that they are way too close and try to make them pass me! My final answer is, yes, I still carry those little critters in my pocket.:D
Ugly John
Ah the ball bearing trick, Only problem with that is that it can get expensive and if you're lucky, it might embed into the offenders vehicle. I learned that man-made equals evidence....Nature on the other hand doesn't give a hoot about lawyers....instead of ball bearings I just take a handful of mid-sized stones ( washed sometimes ) and put them in my jacket pocket. Same effect, but no evidence.... I think it would be financially beneficial for jurisdictions to write new laws that cover the ever present "Driving while Stupid" category. Just think of the money that could raise.
You guys who throw things at the vehicles behind you are almost as crazy as the tailgaters IMO. Way too many psycho drivers and lawyers in this world to be instigating something by throwing/dropping an object onto the road. Sometimes a friendly wave snaps them out of their trance and they realize what they're doing. If it's a safe option, I will slow and move over for them to get by. Haven't tried the flasher thing but I will add this to my repertoire. Tapping the foot brake to illuminate the brake light works for the short term but they usually get right back on your rear.
I can't stand tailgaters either. Yesterday the wind was blowing like crazy. To the point were you could feel the bike trying to slide out from under you. Low and behold here comes a tailgater so not only did I have to fight with the wind and worry about it, I had a knucklehead tailgater talking on the phone right on my butt. It was not a very fun ride yesterday afternoon.
then we usually meet beside each other at the next stop light
This is a correct statement here. I just love it when you get that aggressive tailgater behind you and they finally go for the pass that almost kills them and the oncoming drivers and you get 5 miles down the road and you are right behind them at the stop light. They get even more aggressive to get away from you because they relize they got no where and now they look like fools. I really have learned going 50 or 70 you really get nowhere, one traffic light and the car you passed most likely will be right behind you.
I usually just try to wave them back. If that doesnt work I'll let them by if I can. Then they get the look.
I used to slow down to try and aggravate them, and hopefully go around me. Ever since i got rearended in my 4X4 truck while going 65 on the interstate by someone talking on their phone, I tend to just find a safe place to change lanes and let them go by. I figure if someone can't see a large white Ram PU, they surely won't see a black SG.

Besides, I've seen too many fatality accidents that were the result of a road rage incident gone bad.

Best I ever saw was in Suffolk County in NY. Some idiot came zooming onto the highway and almost hit me. a sheriff was sitting about 1/4 mile down the road, saw the whole thing, and pulled the guy over. Sometimes those "speed traps" serve a good purpose.
Well in the old days I use to carry ball bearings and drop 'em. They would just bounce and make a racket under the under carriage of the car/truck. These days I'm a bit smarter.... I think! I usually will slow down and let 'em pass me. If that fails then I make a point to let 'em know that they are way too close and try to make them pass me! My final answer is, yes, I still carry those little critters in my pocket.:D
Ugly John

I use to carry mine in a small leather pouch tied to the handle bars. If they really(edit) me off I'd take off and run up the road ahead of them, turn around and ride back in the opposite direction. It was almost like shooting a car with a shotgun. Awhh, the good old days.
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I'm with you on not caring for people tailgating whether in a car or on a bike. I also can't stand it that people don't "signal their intent" by using their turn signals! So many people in cars on the phone, they no longer have a free hand to hit the turn switch.

I looked in my rearview mirror tonight on my way out for dinner. A large GMC truck behind me with 2 people in the cab. The driver did not have hands on the wheel, the younger kid on the "passenger" side had both hands on the wheel. I thought maybe this was a temporary thing and that the driver must have been doing something important. I don't think the kid was old enough to drive, and I think the driver may have been impaired in some way. He stalled out behind me and didn't make it through the light. Didn't see him on the side of the road when I drove back.

Weird man, weird.

Never know what you are going to see out there.
Tailgaters. As the man said ' ya can't fix stupid'. The best we can do is try to survive them. I have nothing but disgust for any tailgater, no matter what they're driving. To tailgate is to be a moron.