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synthetic oil

If the dealer won't put in the oil you want, you should find another dealer. I can see them not wanting to do something illegal but its your bike and they should do what you want them to do. What are they going to do next, tell you that you can't install a certain accessory because they don't like it?
correct me please if I'm wrong,but if theres a pure syn in there,the color wont be changed much,and more importantly,you will have little or no metal filings stuck to your drain plugs!.
correct me please if I'm wrong,but if theres a pure syn in there,the color wont be changed much,and more importantly,you will have little or no metal filings stuck to your drain plugs!.

I agree with STEVE07 that there will be a small amount of "fuzz". But I also agree with you that syn seems to be darker brown when new and not near as black at normal change time as dino.