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Strange spots on the rocker cover

The only way to clean it up if it has clear coat on is remove the cover use a paint stripper to remove the clear coat then polish the alloy and re apply clear coat
you'll need a heat resistant clear coat suitable for bare metal
did all the covers on the Sportster this way
or strip off the clear coat and polish the alloy every couple of weeks


actually, some fine scotch brite, followed by a bit of super fine wet sanding with take off the clear coat, and polish the area with a good all metal polish, like lucas. Then if you are careful, using some painters tape, news paper, and tin foil, mask off everything around it, and spray on new clear coat
Hi all.
I noticed since the beginning this group of spots that seem to have corroded the finish of the covers.
Covers are stock and I tried cleaning them (even scratching...) but with no luck.
What could have caused the spots?? (they're just underneath the tank)

And, of course, if we guess their nature how can I get rid of them?

I reckon the "spotting" happened only once, because no new spots have added since months.

I mounted the HD headbolts few weeks ago and they are clean.

Thank you and ciao

looking at your pic ---- the 2nd fin from top(left side of plug) has some sort of "stain"/"shadow"?? Is this from the same time frame or not? Is the fuel line above this tight?
Thank you for your responses. :)
I'd exclude the mechanical cause (wrench...) because it's clearly something "spattered" on the cover.
I also thought of some fuel leaking, but even in that case I don't think it can corrode the cover finish in that way!
Moreover it's looks like that it happened only once so something weird occurred :(
Also no salt, because it would have dirtied other parts too: moreover, I live in Rome and around here there's no need of spreading salt on roads in winter! :s

Taking into account your suggestions I'll have a more accurate look at the cover the upcoming weekend (no time to do it before...) and I'll submit a detailed report for the CSI committee... :p

Thank you all!
OK, I watched closely the covers all around.
Honestly, they were very dirty on the front side... :reyes
I cleaned the dirt and the front side is now clean, no spots.
Then I also cleaned the side with the spots, but nothing changed.
They look like limestone but but they don't seem to go away stroking hard the metal with a wet cloth (they should if they are limestone)
Need to use an anti-limestone product???
Maybe I will soon, I didn't think of it when I was there....:nosad

Anyway, no mechanical damage and no leaking from above.

I know I can get rid of those spots polishing, but what caused them will remain a mystery, in my opinion! :49:
